SEC S17W6: Influencers".

in RECREATIVE STEEM27 days ago

Hello all steemian friends,
This is my participation in ::-

Steemit Engagement Challenge S17W6: "Influencers." hosted by
@hive-141434 in RECREATIVE STEEM

In today's world, the increasing use of networks has greatly influenced our new generation.

Millions of influencers on various networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc. try to impress their audiences by creating reels, shorts, and content every day.

Gradually it has developed into a business. Some websites are sponsoring these influencers based on their number of followers and the number of views they have and are providing pearl money in return.

Do you consider being an influencer as a profession? Would you recommend it to your children?

At present, millions of influential influencers are dominating the internet world, I think it would not be appropriate to call all of them professionals, because there are many influencers among them who are in the internet world due to the fame of their original profession. Are also gaining fame. And at the same time, it is leaving a serious impact on its audience.

Like, sports persons, politicians, singers, rappers, musicians, etc. But in recent years, a new class has emerged whose main objective is to earn money through their content, I would consider it appropriate to call such people professionally influential. And I wouldn't want to see myself as an internet influencer.

Whatever today's generation wants to do, they do not need anyone's recommendation, they take their own decisions.

And that's why I think if they have talent, they will definitely use it to do something for themselves and the world.

Is there an influencer you feel connected to? Why and what type of content do you share?

I am not much interested in watching such reels and content, but my favorite influencers are always those who, through their videos, introduce us to the strange mysteries of our world, as everyone knows.

Many such mysteries are still shrouded in mystery and scientists all over the world do research day and night to solve such mysteries. Many influencers try to make available layer upon layer of information about these research through graphics.

This information impresses me a lot. With such information, my knowledge continuously increases and then I try to take this knowledge forward.

Do you think the life of an influential person is an ideal, why?

I don't think the life of a social media influencer would have been ideal, because this is a field that requires constant experimentation and serving new content. If any successful influential person makes a mistake even for a few days, then people forget him and start adopting other influential people. There is a lot of competition in this field.

There is a flood of contents on the internet world. Now I don't understand what to see, whom to see, whom to follow. As soon as they get a minute of free time, people start wandering in this kind of web world.

That is why I have not considered influential people of the virtual world as ideals.

Do you have to take any kind of training to become an influencer, or can anyone become an influencer?

The first thing is that no one needs any training to enter this internet world, any person who has even a little computer knowledge, or has the desire to become famous, can create content in it. Yes, he can become an internet influencer. Neither any training program has been made for this yet nor any such course is offered in any university.

This is the knowledge which people are learning by watching themselves. There is no doubt that many influential people did not become so famous in the beginning. But with the help of some professional people their fame has increased.

In today's society, such influential people increase the number of their followers, views, and audience with the help of professionals.

I also want to invite here : @naka05 @cruzamilcar63 @marianaceleste
And @naty16

Thanks for reading my post .

Your friend .

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Thank you, friend!
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Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @radjasalman

Thank You very much @steemcurator08 and @radjasalman.

Your post on the influencer traditional ofers a balancing view of its complexitiess and challenges. wishing you the best of luck in the contest.

Hello my friend,
Your comment is also very balanced and powerful.
Thank you heartily.
With respect and honor.

 27 days ago 

Hola amigo!

Considero que los influencers no solo están como creadores de videos, si no que en Twitter también hay influencers de alto rango que solo necesitan expresar su opinión para ser tomados en cuenta por los demás

Pero considero que una opinión muy diferente es lo que los hace sobresalir

Para mí, aquí en Steemit también existen influencers, ya que expresamos nuestra opinión y conducimos de cierta forma que las personas comiences a seguir nuestro contenido!

Para mí, eso es ser influyente, captar la atención de forma diferente y brillar con tu opinión!

Hola, amigo,
Escribiste muy bien: Oye, hay muchas personas influyentes disponibles en Steemit que también nos influyen. Pero creo sólo en mi originalidad.
Con respeto y honor.

 26 days ago 

Confieso que no conozco mucho sobre este mundo de los influencers, pero considero que si alguien se dedica a alguna actividad con responsabilidad, aprendiendo lo que haya que aprender y ganándose la admiración de su público por la calidad y el respeto que le muestre, merece ser considerado como profesional de lo que realiza. Éxitos, amigo...

Hola mi amigo,
Tienes toda la razón.
Tus comentarios siempre son buenos.
Con Respeto.

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

We have too many influencers in the market, but we can't call everyone professional. Those who keep it as a career, go tok far in it. It's the easiest way of earning, if we have any kill in hand. Your post is amazing my friend. It gives us a brief insight to this specific topic.

I wish you best of luck in the contest dear friend. Keep blessing.

Hello my best friend, @shahid2030
You always give me very good comments, I am deeply grateful to you. And I thank you wholeheartedly for your good wishes.
With respect and honor.

Tiene mucha razón amigo, como usted dice el mundo de los influencers es algo complicado como todas las cosas tiene sus pros y contras, aunque con un poco de suerte se puede llegar a algo grande, y que realmente ayude a las personas creo que ayudar es la mejor manera de impresión a al gente. Saludos!

Hola y muchas gracias por tu comentario tan acertado en mi post.
Con Respeto.

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