Aceh Besar Shows Off 13 Appropriate Technology Innovations.

in Steem Schools28 days ago


In an effort to encourage technological innovation in Aceh Province, the Aceh Besar Team amazed visitors by exhibiting 13 innovative Appropriate Technology (TTG) tools at the 25th TTG Aceh Province. This event was held in Suka Makmue, Nagan Raya, on Thursday, May 9 2024. Inventor Team Coordinator, Teuku Badlisyah MPd, revealed that this year's Aceh Besar participation showed a significant increase from previous years.

"At the 25th TTG Aceh Province in Nagan Raya, we are exhibiting 13 TTG Innovation Tools created by Aceh Besar inventors," said Badlisyah enthusiastically. One thing that attracted attention was the presence of the inventors directly at the stand. This gave visitors the opportunity to interact directly with the tool maker and understand better the functions and working methods of each of these innovative tools.

The innovative tools on display from Aceh Besar show the diversity in their applications. Starting from paddle-powered water pumps, Swar.Z food guns, to Green Stove stoves that use used oil as fuel. Not only that, practical machines such as palm fruit peelers and manual press machines were also on display.

Apart from that, several innovative tools also show creativity in utilizing local resources. Examples include coconut fiber rope spinning tools and rice straw stoves, which demonstrate efforts to utilize natural resources more efficiently and environmentally friendly. The visitors who attended from various districts/cities in Aceh, including Pidie, Aceh Singkil, and Bireuen, seemed very interested in the variety of innovations on display. The presence of local inventors has also become an inspiration for the people of Aceh to continue to innovate and exploit their local potential.

With the number of participants from various regions in Aceh, the 25th TTG Aceh Province in Nagan Raya this year became a very important event to exchange experiences and knowledge in developing appropriate and sustainable technology.





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