
in STEEM CN/中文16 days ago







Yesterday, I said that the Russian army, after attacking and defending, is still fighting like a meat grinder in the eastern Ukrainian fortress area, which the Ukrainian army has operated for 14 years. It doesn't seem to fit the strategy of winning. But this is also a more typical Russian way of fighting a war of attrition to wear down the opponent. Historically, the Russians defeated Napoleon and Hitler by this strategy, especially in the famous Battle of Stalingrad. After more than half a year of street fighting, Hitler finally broke the strategy of controlling the Caucasus oil fields, so that the balance of the war began to tilt to the Soviet side. It should be said that in the current war, there was a time when the balance of victory was tilted in Ukraine's favor, because Putin was not sufficiently prepared for the war. His original vision was to take Kiev by blitzkrieg, reach an alliance and then stop. It should be said that at the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian army withstood the attack of the Russian army, so that the Western countries saw the hope of victory and began to increase military aid. Ukraine also mobilized with national strength. During this period, the size of the Ukrainian army was larger than that of the Russian army. So the Ukrainian army launched a surprise counterattack in the poorly defended Kharkiv region, reclaiming large areas of territory.

However, the Russians did the same thing again, using legions of prisoners recruited by Wagner's mercenaries to storm Bahmut and once again enter the mode of attrition and mince fighting. At the same time, the Russian army also used this period to re-adjust its military deployment, build the Sulovikin Line and carry out partial mobilization in the country. After the Battle of Bahmut, as in the Soviet-German battlefield after the Battle of Stalingrad, the human advantage was no longer on the Ukrainian side, and the balance of victory began to shift in Russia's favor. And the Russian army has put a new weapon into the battlefield, that is, a copycat version of the JDAM glide guided bomb, that is, a normal bomb with a glide kit. The bombs, though crude in shape and not as accurate as Western weapons, were powerful and plentiful. Therefore, in the war of attrition of the Russia-Ukraine war, Western weapons, although highly accurate, are also high cost, and can not play any role in this war of attrition. In the Battle of Avdivka, the glide-guided bombs of the FAB series were used on a large scale, so that the Russian army did not have to engage in brutal ground battles as in the Battle of Bahmut. The fortress city of Avdivka was much stronger than Bahmut, but it held out for a shorter time.

This time, Russia once again launched the Kharkiv offensive, there are some surprising factors to win. Because after a long war of attrition, the Ukrainian army's manpower, which was not dominant, has been stretched thin on the long front. The opening of a new front at this time is certainly worse for the Ukrainian army, and the Russian army has been relatively fast in recent days. Although the pace of progress can not be compared with the early stage of the war, but the war has been fought for two years, the Ukrainian army is also prepared and prepared. The current fighting is mainly concentrated in a border city called Urchansk, and the Russian army is still heavily using the FAB series of glide guided bombs to attack the city. The city was not fortified like other cities in Udong and could not withstand such bombing. Within two days, the Ukrainian army had lost nearly half of the city. Fortunately, a river runs through the city, forming a natural defense line.

Having said that on the battlefield, there are also some interesting changes taking place inside Russia. One was the sacking of Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, who had been in a stable position since the war began. In fact, the recent arrest of his deputy, Deputy Defense Minister Timur, on corruption charges and sitting in a cage for trial in a uniquely Russian manner should be a clear sign of Shoigu's loss of trust. But now look, Shoigu was removed from the post of defense minister, not dismissed, but was promoted to the Russian National Security Committee, from the official title point of view or promoted. Of course, Shoigu is not a military expert, his old job is civil engineering. Therefore, during the war, he did not participate much in combat command, mainly managing logistics and military production. During the war, the position was arguably quite lucrative, and perhaps Putin felt that he had been greedy enough, so he was promoted and demoted to a higher position with little real power. Then the appointment of a new defense minister, an economist, was supposed to purge the ministry of Defense of old forces, get rid of a bunch of worms, and improve the efficiency of the Russian war machine. Perhaps in Putin's view, this war cannot be stopped until Ukraine is completely surrendered.

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