Concurso ScoutsPower del 06 al 12 de mayo de 2024 🔥

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast month (edited)

It is always a joy to always enjoy the cool day that comes with the daily activities. It is also a wonderful joy to always participate in Steemit contest ranging from different ones. I eventually discovered one today which I participated in which I want to share with you. Thanks be to @hive-181136 for organizing this contest. I will be participating in the #scoutspower


Steps in powering up

I will be explaining to you in detail the process that involves in the process of converting my liquid Steem to the steem power which many of us popularly known as Power up. I have always been a strong advocate of powering up because it shows that we truly believe in the future of steem and today I will be showing you some steps I follow also in carrying out my own powering up. Stay tune.

Step 1

The first thing you need to do is to login to your wallet making use of your posting key according to the box that will be provided to you.I had 66 steem and 102 steem power before I powered up.


That means I will be powering up 66 steem today.

Step 2

When you conclude Step 1, you will click the arrow that will take you to the section that will display the power up option, and many more. A short page will appear, indicating transfer, transfer to savings, power up, trade, and market.


Since my plan is to power up, all I just have to do is to tap the power up button.

Step 3.

After doing so another page will appear and we will be able to fill in the amount of steem we want to power up.



Since I am planning to power up 66 steem, I will just input it there in the box.

Step 4

Once you click the power up button, another page will appear, requesting for your active key.The next thing to do is to go to your wallet and copy your active key then paste it inside the box provided.


Then you click sign in and then the process gets complete. My steem is now 0 and my steem power is now 168 steem power

Importance of powering up

When we power up in steemit we are greatly helping ourselves the most and not others because we benefit a lot when we power up, the following are the importance which I will be listing out also.

  • It helps to bring investors because they will believe most steemians don't like powering down.

  • It increases your influence in the platform which will be beneficial for you.

  • It helps us to be in a suitable club status of our choice. That means you can either participate in either club5050, club75 or club100

  • It gives us opportunities to apply for some particular roles in different communities once our steem power is up to the required steem power a steemian application must have.

I am inviting @chant @mikitaly @patjewell and @stef1 to participate in this contest.

❤️I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤️

Best Regards By


👇 About me 👇

Achievement 1


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hola amigo es muy bueno que nosotros conozcamos el paso a paso que debemos dar par cada encendido y aunque siempre lo hacemos es bueno que nos lo recuerden así como también los beneficios de un encendido.

Gracias por compartirlo con nosotros.

 last month 

Un gran saludo amigo @mandate.

Felicidades por su encendido y bienvenido a nuestra comunidad.
Es muy importante hacerse la disciplina del postear al menos una vez al día, esto ayuda a nuestro crecimiento, igualmente, ayudar y apoyar con voto y comentario al menos a 10 usuarios cada día, esto nos dará visibilidad en la plataforma y nos impulsará a crecer.

Debe hacer caso a los comentarios y sugerencias de los moderadores, ha señalado que ha programado recompensas a la comunidad @hive-181136 y observo que no lo ha hecho, por lo que debe editar su post y eliminar dicho señalamiento.


 last month 

Okay I will do so. I actually forgot that's why but I will make the correction now

 last month 

Hello check it out I have made the correction and removed the statement.


 last month 

Muchas gracias por su atención y su diligencia a aplicar los correctivos a su publicación, ahora si se ve genial.

Son cosas que a todos nos pueden pasar, lo importante siempre es la actitud que tengamos y disposición de atender las solicitudes de forma efectiva.

Gracias nuevamente por publicar en nuestra comunidad.


 last month 

You are welcome and thank you so much for your response.

By the way, I am still yet to be verified even after submitting my achievement 1 post

Please can you help me look into it as soon as possible.


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