Il mio aspetto quando rivendico il TRX /How I look when I claim the TRX

in Italy26 days ago


È meglio che non dica altro, beh con questo sguardo dico tutto, mi cacceranno fuori hahahaha

It's better if I don't say anything else, well with this look I say everything, they'll kick me out hahahaha

Le foto sono di mia proprietà, scattate con il mio cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE

The photos are mine, taken with my SAMSUNG S20FE mobile phone


Chissà se un giorno torneranno ad essere presenti le ricompense in token TRX. Ammetto che quello era stato davvero un bel periodo. Forse era troppo bello per essere vero, o per meglio dire, per continuare

E' proprio questo che non mi piace, aspettare, che ci dicano se li consegneranno oppure no.

I think something might be wrong with the TRX claiming issue because I haven't seen any TRX that I have been claiming to appear in my wallet all this while

As I say jokingly, you can't see them but there they are hahahaha

I have stopped receiving TRX for a long period of time. I am wondering is it only me

I claim them but they DO NOT appear in the wallet, I do NOT like this

I always claim my TRX then but it didn't always appear in my wallet. What do you think might be wrong

It doesn't appear, but there it is hahahahaha, it's a joke, I DO NOT like to claim what I don't receive, I guess we have to wait for them to update this.

For long a lot of people have been having issues claiming those trx in fact when they claim it, they still find it empty in their wallet. It will really be a great joy if it can be settled

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