How would be the human model of the future

in #humanlast month

Today's people worry about the future, worry about obtaining a job and making money, and want a lasting career. In the foreseeable future, few "real" experts will work in businesses. Finding work will becoming harder soon.

Time is racing towards this new epoch, which is a decade or two away. They're calling it the Robot Age, Futurist Age, Hologram Age, Nano Technology Age, Digital Age, Simulation Age.

This new generation guy should "While gaining in-depth knowledge on a subject, he also focuses on other subjects, even if only a little." Knowing everything about something, something about everything...


State, nation, and borders will be meaningless for these organisations, which will deploy high-tech robotics, holograms, and hyper business intelligence systems. Employees with high IQ and EQ will have strong knowledge and skills.

Employees and shareholders in Blue World enterprises have broad authority and responsibility. Technology and creativity must be worked hard and the digital world mastered. These companies will emphasise "Individualism".

Companies and networks will collaborate in the “Orange World”. You can generate money with the corporate entrepreneurial mentality without payroll thanks to technology. Small enterprises and entrepreneurs—not SMEs—will be involved in business.

To succeed in the "Orange World" and get a foothold, you must be risk-taking, innovative, flexible, adaptable to technology changes quickly, and growth-oriented. Subcontractors will replace salaried workers.

“Green World” is the world of environmentalists, socially responsible people, and problem-solvers. In this scenario, NGOs, charity foundations, and enterprises will care for humanity's destiny. The Green World will rule the other two.

Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook are racing. AI assistants are already available. “Siri,” introduced in 2011, lets iPhone users do complex tasks with voice commands.

Innovations never stop. Neuro-Reality, a revolutionary technology, uses the brain to control. Virtual reality (VR) has arrived. New methods are being developed to bring virtual reality to life. New technology will let people touch virtual items and sense wind and temperature.

Electrodes in the head or brain will connect the brain to machines. The way we treat diseases, study, see the world, and communicate will change.

Consider our existing lifestyle, specifically our profession-specific work. Visualise it thoroughly. Know the differences between future jobs? Like people who use touch screens, tablets, and smartphones today, cave dwellers, stone tablet writers, and wall painters will differ.

Business won't require a certain location in the future. No specific person will be needed for that position. Our brain will link to the internet and employ its intelligence and technology as our new workplace.

Even this much is difficult for the future human model. Therefore, especially our youth must educate themselves and prepare for this future. Do something and sweat daily to achieve the goal.

I advise our youth to be curious and inquisitive. They must reinvent themselves and adopt new tech. To stay current with device advancement, they must upgrade.

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