Focusing your mind without breaking away from reality and to stay calmer

in #photolast month

A really potent structure is the mind. It can be one of the main causes of our misery even if it can also help us appreciate all the wonderful things in our life.

Still, it appears to me that people with a sound mind go through pleasure, suffering, and difficulties in rather "mild" amounts.

A sound mind enables us to smoothly go about our daily business and social contacts as well as complete regular and everyday chores simultaneously.

Those who find this balanced course easy may undervalue it a little since actual heaven is not known to those who have not mentally experienced real hell.


Before going on with the article, let me make one clarification: the term "healthy mind" here refers to a mind that has never experienced grief or suffering, not to a mind that has never had any mental health issues.

Mental illnesses render our minds incapable of doing even the most basic activities, such eating, working, or taking a shower.

I cannot say that having panic attacks enriches and beautifies my life. Actually, during those times of difficulty, life is never enjoyable.

But I couldn't have formed the practice of daily meditation if I hadn't experienced numerous panic episodes.

Leaving out the depressed, who struggle to find their energy, we can conclude that persons with mental health issues have lots of energy to spare.

Though frequently harmful or even destructive, energy remains energy nonetheless.

Thus, how are we to live in a world where such energy exists and how can we change and utilise it without endangering ourselves or others?

My own experience tells me that observing our thoughts and maybe identifying our habits, beliefs, and delusions that encompass our whole being is the first step in transforming this energy.

My own mind formed reality according to such beliefs, and at my darkest moments, it even made me feel like I was about to die, until I started to gain this understanding.

I used to feel as like everything was crumbling around me and nothing was solid or hard anymore while I was panicking. As though I could see the air spaces that separate the molecules that make up things and people.

That is an incredibly scary image and sensation. But now that I know more fully how my thoughts create my reality, I give in to panic attacks instead of wasting my time hoping they would go away quickly.

It just prolongs the attacks to wish it would stop. I feel everything more strongly when I concentrate on how upsetting, distressing, and frightening the feelings I get during attacks are.

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