NASA plans to build a railway system on the Moon/NASA planea construir un sistema ferroviario en la Luna

in #science16 days ago



It is paradoxical that there is still some conspiracy group that denies that man has ever set foot on the Moon, while the rest are already planning how to make it habitable and exploit its resources in the medium term, for which special habitats and life support systems have been designed and now even a railway network.

Resulta paradójico que todavía quede algún colectivo conspiranóico que niega que alguna vez el hombre haya pisado la Luna, mientras que el resto ya está planeando como hacerla habitable y explotar sus recursos a medio plazo para lo que se han diseñado habitáculos especiales, sistemas de soporte vital y ahora incluso una red de ferrocarril.

The official portal of the United States government space agency (NASA) announces the first railway system on the Moon, with the name Flexible Levitation On a Track (FLOAT). It is a system capable of facilitating diamagnetic levitation, which which would eliminate friction and therefore save a lot of fuel.

El portal oficial de la agencia espacial del gobierno de los Estados Unidos (NASA) el primer sistema ferroviario en la Luna, con el nombre de Levitación Flexible Sobre una Pista (FLOAT) se trata de un sistema capaz de facilitar la levitación diamagnética, lo que eliminaría el rozamiento y por ende ahorraría mucho combustible.


Obviously it is not a train like the one in the header photo but rather robotic structures that will be responsible for the extraction and transfer of the lunar regolith, a very fine rock powder that covers the lunar surface from which water and oxygen can be extracted, as well as to be able to be used in future constructions on the Moon.

Obviamente no se trate de un tren como el de la foto de cabecera sino de estructuras robóticas que se encargarán de la extracción y traslado del regolito lunar, una polvo de roca muy fino que cubre la superficie lunar del que pueden extraerse agua y oxígeno, además de poder utilizarse en futuras construcciones en la Luna.

The system is designed to transport various types of loads at different speeds, with a drag capacity per robotic unit that can reach 100,000 kilograms of regolith for several kilometers per day, which would facilitate the construction of the different rooms that will be necessary to house to the settlers.

El sistema está diseñado para trasladar diversos tipos de cargas a diferentes velocidades, con una capacidad de arrastre por unidad robótica que puede llegar a los 100.000 kilogramos de regolito durante varios kilómetros por día lo que facilitaría la construcción de los distintos habitáculos que serán necesarios para albergar a los colonos.


At first this may seem a bit pretentious and it is not going to be something imminent, especially when we all know that they have not yet been able to send crew to the Moon again, but there is no doubt that in a couple of decades we will have a permanent base and even hotels and theme parks where you can spend, never better said, a honeymoon.

En principio esto puede parecer un poco pretencioso y no va a ser algo inminente sobre todo cuando todos sabemos que todavía no han sido capaces de volver a enviar tripulación a la Luna, pero no cabe duda que en un par de décadas tendremos una base permanente e incluso hoteles y parques temáticos donde pasar, nunca mejor dicho, una luna de miel.

What is finally evident is that the Moon has ceased to be that romantic and unattainable place glorified by all poets since time immemorial, to be one more industrial enclave of this insatiable society, which will bring us closer to becoming the interplanetary humanity to which that we seem to be heading inexorably.

Lo que finalmente resulta evidente es que la Luna ha dejado de ser ese lugar romántico e inalcanzable glosado por todos los poetas desde tiempo inmemorial, para ser un enclave industrial más de esta sociedad insaciable, que nos acercará más a convertirnos en la humanidad interplanetaria a la que parece que nos dirigimos inexorablemente.

More information/Más información,y%20eficiente%20en%20la%20Luna.


Do you actually know that sometimes I am always amazed how NASA achieved some crazy things

At the moment it's only a fart higher than their ass but it is only a matter of time.

Si finalmente nos comemos la Luna llegará el fin.

Saludos y éxitos.

No te preocupes, ni tu ni yo lo veremos con vida. :-D

NASA never disappoint with coming up with amazing discovery that is really mind blowing

Sometimes I usually imagine where do these people get the inspiration to build some certain things. At times I will hear that they are building some massive things in the moons

Thanks for your hemorrhage of comments :-D

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Even if I also believe that it is not going to be something something imminent, I believe at the very long run, it will benefit the world of humanity as it is just a matter of time

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