On neurodivergent people.

in #neurodivergent28 days ago


Yes, well... The thing is, in life, you don't really get credit for all the stuff you could do amazingly well but which you don't actually do.

And in the market, in general, you get rewarded for producing products other people actually want to buy, and the behind the scenes aspects of how you get there don't really matter all that much. Besides, there's nothing stopping you from finding a partner who can do sales reasonably well if you do actually consistently make stuff other people want to buy.

Unfortunately, genuinely "neurodivergent" people are often not very reliable, and even if their work is good, sometimes they can't do it on command or replicate something they did for a future client.

As a buyer, you'd love an exceptional... car, computer, phone, etc... but you won't take an exceptional car that you can't get serviced. Even if it has awesome components, you probably won't buy a computer with a weird OS that you can't replace.

You won't buy a phone made by a company that notoriously has production delays and won't deliver it for 6 months.

And at the end of the day, if a brand makes one exceptional product, but the next one is awful, the next one after that is okay, the next one is good, the next one is bad, etc., then it won't develop a reputation that will attract many customers even if those who got that first product might turn into huge lifelong fans.

I used to make these kinds of excuses. I also hate boring admin tasks and am not a good salesman... So I absolutely get what it's like to watch someone get more success out of the gate when you don't think they do as good of work, but just happen to be better schmoozers. I've experienced that a few dozen times.

But in the end it hasn't mattered that much. I do pretty good work and I'm very consistent in my ability to put out new content that my clients and audiences actually like, and that has been a better sales tool than my direct attempts at sales have ever been.

And lastly... Most people who talk about being "neurodivergent" in 2024 are WELL within normal parameters, so... meh.

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