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RE: Distributed Denial of Secrets | Fresh 85 Gigabyte Leak of London Firm Specializing in Concealing Assets of the Wealthy | #29leaks

in #29leaks5 years ago

Do you think that at some point we will awaken enough to actually digging into all of this bullshit and holding people accountable? What people tend to forget is that the governments work for us, and the corporations cannot exist unless we consume from them.

Time for the replacements to take both their positions.


Yes, I do see that happening. There's so much anger and frustration simmering just below the surface throughout the world. At some point people will take action and take to the streets, however it's crucial that people know where to direct their anger. The propaganda that we're fed daily keeps us focused on the wrong issues and fighting each other. While we rage about what this right-wing or left-wing politician is saying or point the finger at scapegoated immigrants and manufactured crisis (plural) the special interests and ruling class syphon off more resources that belong to all of us and the political puppets slowly (incrementally) erode our basic civil and human rights.

At least I hope to god people do wake up as we sleepwalk towards self-destruction.

I think the next financial crash (imminent) is going to be a decider. BTC was created on the back of the last, this time normies might start waking up.

Politics is an entertainment arena designed to keep the masses focused away from where the real action happens - little nondescript buildings in the suburbs.

I wholeheartedly agree, the 2008 financial crisis never ended. They wrecked the world economy with their wall street casino gambling, they cried to us for help or the sky would fall, people lost homes, they took hundreds of billions in public funds, they took the money and went back to play with it at the casino, nothing changed. I laugh when people talk about how the stock market is at an all time high, implying that the economy is obviously is booming, but look around. Wall Street is enjoying record profits but main street is slowly dying. People prefer to live in a delusion than face reality. That's why everything is such a spectacle now - Sports / Politics / Celebrity / Scandal - purely bread and circuses. Some believe the American empire is already in rapid decline but people are so transfixed with our lovely distractions that we cannot see clearly what is going on around us.
BTC was indeed created in the wake of that fiasco. It is a beacon of hope as we prepare for the rude awakening of the imminent collapse.

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