7 Day Positivity Challenge | Day 2 | When sporting isn't always a choice about just do it ⚽🚴‍♂️

Let’s go on with the challenge, ready for day two! I was tagged earlier this week by my friend @mrprofessor. It’s about a challenge where I need to talk about seven things that we are grateful for. One per day of the week. Today will be my second day.

Didn’t do a lot today because I’m still working at the damage from the rain flood. Now I’m sitting in a chair (yes with a fire again) wasted. I’m hoping I could go out for a surf tomorrow morning. And that brings me by my topic for today. My back hurts after today working in body positions that are healthy. But I can do that again. I’ve had two years I couldn’t move how I wanted to move and I couldn’t move at the time I wanted it. Last few days I’ve been working a lot painting, grate wood, replace rotten parts. All those things, well I can do them again. Still within limitations but I don’t care. I remember last year for my first surf session. The physiotherapist allowed me 5 minutes of surf. Boy I was so happy, you couldn’t erase that smile from my face for days. Two years ago I couldn’t even stretch out my legs if I wanted to while I was sitting in a chair…

So today I’m thankful that I’m still able to do my sports or creating plans for them. It’s still not at the level I’m used to do but I don’t care anymore.

Importance of sports

Being able to sport is important for a lot of people, but everyone has its reason to do it. Sport provides benefits for young and old. It’s not only health/fitness improvements but it can bring people team spirit, feelings of accomplishment, stress relieve, for most people I think sport is a social thing as well. And I think this list will be much longer, what is your reason to play sports?


Young children really need to play sports isn’t it @dboontje? They will improve physical health, better body coordination, I think sporting will stimulate brain activity, it will boost their confidence, they develop social skills, they will learn what it is to lose, learn important lessons about life like nothing comes for free you have to work for it,

Older people

But older people will benefit from it as well. In this era people used to sit more and more. Behind our desk at work, at the couch watching tv. Not healthy at all. But I don’t know it for the rest of the world but I assume it’s the same people are living more and more on themselves alone. For those people playing sports is a way to get social. Elderly people even need to get out and sport, and no it doesn’t have to be running the marathon anymore but just go out for a short walk. Keeps them to stay in the middle of life. Make them talk to people.

People with no choice

But now I’m only talking about people who still have the choice to go out and sport.
Today we had the ride for the roses here in the area. Actually, it’s the whole weekend. People will ride their bike sponsored for cancer research. And everywhere in the world there are events like this one. But those people don’t have the option to choose if they want to go out and sport or do other activities. I really feel sorry for those people. My dad has the diagnosis of cancer as well. But although he’s getting older he still has the option to choose if he wants to go out on his bike. His cancer isn’t that evil, he has prostate cancer. He can get 100 years old with it. I really hope he does! But in the newspaper from today there was a girl riding her bike for her dad because he is diagnosed esophageal cancer last year.

Source: PZC

Her dad did always ride with his bike the Ride for the Roses, know he isn’t able to do it anymore. But his daughter continues his mission. Her dad was at multiple points along the track to watch his daughter. In the end she raised more than 10k in euro’s for research esophageal cancer. This story really crawled under my skin. If I’m able to ride along next year or run the marathon again I think I will start a raising fund as well or maybe something else.

Fenna not sure you will read this but really love what you did today, together with all those people riding for something really important that everyone knows from people surrounding them. Thumbs up for all those people today, riding their bike but even all the volunteers who work hard for this event. 😃👍

But not only sick people don’t have a choice, there are also countries in the world where people can’t sport because it is too dangerous, like children in a war zone,


Some beautiful projects that I know off that combine sport with a charity or make sporting doable for people that can’t sport. Do you know more?

  • The ride for the roses (you just read about it. Website from the ride.

  • Opgeven is geen optie (ride along the Alpe d’HuZes raising money. More information on the website)

  • Surfproject (they teach children with the down syndrome howto surf see the promo movie)

  • Projects abroad (website)

Being thankful

But let’s get back to being thankful today. Being able to sport is the best there is. Sport brings you so much in life. Better health, friendship, loyalty, learn to focus on goals, stress relieve. I know how it is, not being able to go out and sport. But I was aware of the fact I could sport again. Some people don’t have that luck. I know a little bit how that feels and that feeling already sucked big time. So that's why I'm grateful that I have the option to sport or not whenever I like. Thank you! 🤙

I was tagged by @mrprofessor to:

Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
• Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
• Mention three people who should do this on each day.
• Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)
• Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.

I would like to tag my friends @dikkie, @tarazkp and @helenmunch whom I believe would write some beautiful texts - please don't feel obligated, but you've been tagged!


Go here https://steemit.com/@a-a-a to get your post resteemed to over 72,000 followers.

Awesome @guchtere, it's an enormous pleasure to read your texts, I did right on choosing you.

You not only share why you are grateful, but you also bring really important subjects to Steemit!
I always tell my friends and family that the reason for them being so upset and exausted all the time is because they don't exercise. Sports, like you said, is everything for our body; hormonies will flow, hence releasing more happiness and good moods. It not only helps the body, but the mind.

Thank you so much for sharing those projects, who knows if I don't go up there to participate next year!

Well pleasure is mutual! Think you're doing pretty amazing writing good pieces, and like this one here awesome reactions. Your enthusiasm will work for a lot of people I think?

Well it doesn't have to be called sport. But even going out for a walk, it would be already so good for people. Just get out clear your head, catch some sun (or rain 😜 )and make your body move!

Absolutely! I get really worried to see some kids at the school and seeing how sedentary and lazy some of them are. That will reflect in the future at some point!

Guess it's up yo our 80-90's generation to bring those kids into the Sport.

Friday I let some kids ride on my MTB, dude, I could see a big smile on their faces. They never ride bicicles, because their parents don't have the time to teach them, or because their parents think it's too dangerous.

Your make me think of the wall-e movie...

The dependency of technology has made humankind lazy as the people that are whisked away with their precious chair in the movie.

But really cool to here that you lend your bike to those kids to learn them howto ride it. When you see them riding, you must feel that it still isn't to late for them. Am I correct? 😉

But riding a bike being dangerous? Is that true for Brasil?

Well, in their parents minds it is, and possibly it's true.

When I was a kid I used to go everywhere by bike, but traffic was not all that chaotic and robbery not so wild.

There is a project a friend of my participates, where they teach kids how to ride bicycles, I don't know if in my city we have that.

O yes! Sports is what people unite. As a PE teacher I can assure you that doing what you love is the best way to spent your life. A
Especially if it involves any physical exercises and when you can combine this in a social way. With your friends for example. @guchtere I'm lucky we find the same interests in sports. Keep on going!

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