B+: Day 3: Food Fantasy!

This is the third day of the challenge. The pressure is on. I woke up in a pool of sweat, I had a nightmare about being positive for another 24 hours. I want to rant, about something, anything. I am addict. Going cold turkey is far more difficult than I had imagined. But I shall overcome this, survive and return to the bosom of negativity. Just another 4 days!

Talking about cold turkey's, they do make for a nice sandwich, some lettuce, tomato, mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and bread. And turkey of course, duh!


Food has always been an integral part of my life. I think it all goes back to when I was 5 years old and eating a banana on the porch of our house ( I would love to say Porsche, but we didn't have one, only a Ferrari or two!). As I stood there with banana in hand (not mine, you dirty pervs), a monkey ran up to me, snatched the banana from my hand and took off. I took to my best self defence tactic and bawled my heart out. My mother walks out and asked me what happened, I said "That monkey is a donkey!". Yes, at that age donkey was the worst abuse i knew. It still is, considering the number of donkeys i see assing it out in the corporate world!

But I digress. Food. In our home, we don't eat to live, but we live to eat. I come from a family of teetotallers (at least the men folk, the women were kinder to the bottle!), no one gambled, had extra-marital affairs or any other indulgence. Except food. Good food. Food from the heavens (or other countries). Food which was so diverse, that at times i wondered if my mother experimented on us guinea pigs. But I thank her to this day. We never ate the same dish twice in one month. There was always something new to eat. I grew up a glutton, my life revolved around food. Even after hitting puberty, I would choose a pork chop over a woman any day!

I might be extremely boring in bed (according to the survey i conducted by handing out a feedback form!), but i am bloody experimental when it comes to food.

Other than all the normal fare, I have eaten:
Mirch ka sabzi A vegetable made only from green chillies. It is a delicacy from the state of Rajasthan. Needless to say my arse was on fire the next day
Pork cooked with bhut jalokia Bhut Jalokia is the spiciest chilli in the world apparently and is from the North East of India. A friend of mine from Nagaland cooked it for me, needless to say after the pork, there was no strength left for any other action!
Puttu is something i enjoyed in the state of Kerala. It is rice flour and coconut which is steamed together in a cylindrical steel vessel and eaten with a variety of bananas available in that state.
(Vegans please don't read this!) Quail, partridges, pigeons, blue bull, wild boar, frogs, peacocks, venison, ducks, rabbits, horse, mountain goat are some of the things which I can remember of the top of my head.
Weird parts of animals, include hooves, tongue, brain, blood pudding (made from the blood!), head cheese (the head is boiled and the extract is what you eat) and some more which i cannot remember right now.

I digress again, and talking about food has also made me hungry.

What I am trying to say is that I am extremely grateful for having food on my plate everyday. There are tons of people the world over who have nothing to eat, and I cannot complain, and i don't complain. I eat whatever is placed in front of me.

But most importantly, food isn't the ingredients you use. It is the people you share the meal with.

You can eat the fanciest of food in a 5 star, but if your co-fooders are a bunch of douche bags, the food will be rubbish. You could eat the simplest of fare with people you care about (or generally nice people) and you will enjoy it. That is why most of us love our mother's cooking and consider our mothers and fathers as the best cooks in the world. Because they cook with love!

You can read my first day's positiveness here
And the second day's ramblings here

I was tagged by @mrprofessor to:

Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)

  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something
    positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.

I would like to tag @ultrabiker to take up this challenge. Because he rides a bike. Heck, what else does one need to remain positive in life!

PS: I hope @riverflows doesn't see this post. The last time we chatted about food, she gave me an arse whooping!


Oh my dear god, if there is one out there... coworker asked me why I was laughing, guess I should forget about steemit during work.

I might be extremely boring in bed (according to the survey i conducted by handing out a feedback form!), but i am bloody experimental when it comes to food.

This part was responsible for me spilling my coffee.

Thank you once more for an awesome post, btw some of those food options are crazy as f.


Really, i was hoping that during my south American visit (whenever that happens) i would get to eat even crazier stuff!

Well done.
Rajasthan is beautiful and fit for a King and his food, of course.
We can see where you are pointing to an addiction to food, however, you ride a bicycle long distances so don't have to worry about obesity.

Hahaha. One of the reasons i took to cycling regularly was that i could eat as much as i want without having to worry

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