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RE: WIP - Graphite Artifact - "The Diagnosis Tree"

in #abstact5 years ago

Love this, Pascal <3 I really like how organic your arting process seems to be :) You do a thing, and then you discover something about your own process doing the thing and then that leads to another thing :D This discovery with the eraser, I am curious if you'd be able to bring it into a method for generating a new and interesting effect ! <3

Also I love how you came up with the name for the piece :) Diagnosis tree, indeed ! How lovely :D It does look like a tree, now that I've read the post and looked at it well, but to be honest, when I just saw the picture without reading your post, I thought it was a mechanical brain with the spine coming downwards...

... Maybe the brain is a diagnosis tree???? :thinking emoji:


SO COOL * ___ *

I love it, love it ! <3


Thank you Liske :)

I think you nailed it about the brain :D

During a while I had thought it would become some skull seen from the side, but I wanted to find something more subtle than "the mechanical thinking machine seen for a side" :D

About the eraser, to be honest, nothing really special : I just use it as if it was a white pen, drawing above dark areas, instead of using it as a correcting tool :)

The fact it erases the tint can reinforce the light effect by contrasting both against darkness and background color.

That could be a problem in soft distant lighting, but - I guess - can also give some striking 3D effect on foreground.

I still have to learn a lot in this area :)

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