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RE: Feathered Friday and My Actifit Report Card: August 23 2019

in #actifit5 years ago

Gidday my friend 😄
All are great, of course the first one is the best, but I prefer the second photo, because he looks like he would think "I can see you..."😎

The weekend started gray, then rain, then sunshine and rain again... now, at 4pm it's gray and I can hear thunder.
For tomorrow they say we will get the same weather as today.
Right now I am in the forest behind my parents house, and try to photograph a bird. I can hear many birds, but I cannot see any 😭

Posted using Partiko Android


Yeah I do see what you mean with him looking at me, LOL funny thing is he was not bothered at all by me being there or even the camera clicking

Good luck with getting out and tracking down and getting shots of some birds

Good morning JJ,
seems to be the same as with my quite young rabbit, which might not have made any experiences with humans.

It is 6 o'clock in the morning, and today I try wildlife photograpy, once more 😉 Maybe I'll see a deer when it gets brighter 😁
I didn't see any birds yesterday, but I have made a few macros.

Posted using Partiko Android

yes about the same with the rabbit and the Hawk, good luck with getting some wildlife shots today I hope you get some amazing shots

I have been sitting there on this tree stand for hunters for about 2 hours and didn't see anything, but midges. Maybe it was too wet, because it has been raining nearly all night long, and I have been the only stupid one, who got up early from his warm bed ;) lol
In these two hours I could reply to all comments I have got over night :)

Well that is good multitasking commenting while waiting, so it wasnt a total waste of time, I have all the respect for you that you could wait that long

Without anything to do I would have gone much earlier, but maybe I have missed a deer while I was typing into the phone ;)

LOL I did think that about missing one but I did not want to say it lOL lets hope you didn't

I have always had a look between each comment. Sometimes I have heard something in the woods, but nothing came ;) lol

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