
Thats a great question.. Its a bit annoying to clog up my feed with these posts. Im gonna ask, Ill let u know..

I don't think there is yet. This place is still really new. Hopefully they will add a cataloging feature at some point.

One Idea you can do is to make just one post that you keep a link to in a text to copy and paste. You make that one a generic one that you keep coming back to. On that post you comment daily with your step count. Then you just post an article whenever you feel like of your other articles link.

No real easy way to do it at the moment.

@icee, have u downloaded this app and checked it out? The interface is very basic so i dont know if that would be possible.. You cant choose where it posts as of right now :/

Also, imagine if you programed another app that's entire purpose was to tell the gyroscope in your phone it was shaking......103920394019401924901 steps a day! lol

That would get you in first place but lose the fitness aspect. There's always ways to beat these things. That's why I add some pictures of the place I walked through that day.

Lol, well they dont reward u for more than 10,000 a day so there is no reason for that app (atleast not right now). But i get what u are saying.. unfortunately u cant beat cheaters, they will always try to cheat the system so u just have to keep rewards simple for now so its not worth cheating.

That's just how my brain works. When I hear anything about anything, my mind instantly goes to all the ways it could be undermined. Not that I want to do it, just that I instantly wonder about it.

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