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RE: March ProgBlog #1: after an excessive delay

in #aer5 years ago

Heyyy you should never feel bad not posting since you have three little ones growing up with you. And I really admire you that despite the fact that it's your daughter's idea to go to school, you spend time and effort driving her around. I think you're really nice for doing that :).
The frame looks good and I like how dynamic it looks like. Is it going to be a short animation when you're done? And for me, I don't think you should worry about progress video. Do them when you feel like you want to :).


Well very much this @ryivhnn. You should never feel bad about not posting. But I take a less kinder attitude than scrawly. I really detest the belief the posting regularly is worshipped by some. That's how we end up with so much lack lustre spam. So often I can tell an author is just pushing a post out there for the sake of it. It's not good for this ecosystem. Post because you have the time and have something you want to report. If life gets busy, then so be it. Not all of us can live our life online, and it is exactly the kind of stresses you have the prevents many from posting. I admire that you homeschool and I can appreciate how changes to this system might seem disruptive. Buying and selling homes is one of the most stressful activities one can do too! Goodluck with it.

Oh, I love the descriptor too of comic-like monstrosity too. This frame you shared is actually my favorite to date. I am sorry if this offends Red. ;)


There are some out there advising posting every day so they have a higher chance of getting seen. I've been saying (especially to artists) that having a schedule and optionally a backlog of work/topics to post about is probably going to be more sustainable if you want to be regular/reliable (apparently some audience like reliably regular).

It's mostly the weekly progblogs I feel bad about not posting, and it's mostly on the Patreon front, because they're monthly subscribers and I don't want them to feel like they're paying for me to be slacky. Everything else (including hs misc which is probably the only other thing I consider moderately important) just gets posted whenever I can get to it XD

It is a comic-like monstrosity! You will understand when I post the whole thing XD Glad you like it, and Red doesn't mind, he much prefers people don't pay attention to him :)

There are some out there advising posting every day so they have a higher chance of getting seen. I've been saying (especially to artists) that having a schedule and optionally a backlog of work/topics to post about is probably going to be more sustainable if you want to be regular/reliable (apparently some audience like reliably regular).

Honestly, it's horrible for Steem's reputation to see regular posters who are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I just don't think it's worth putting your reputation at risk of coming across as an attention desperado or a greedy author living off their autovotes. I won't mention names, but there are authors who I can no longer stand because of this. When you see posts that clearly has little heart and thought put into it, that they just simply posting to be regular (in scraping as much steem they can from the reward pool), it's a sad state of affairs. This is when you see people reposting video links, memes and "On this day..." To me it's a form of plagiarism because an added couple of lines to this borrowed content is not adding value, and I don't care for the justification that it took a lot of time to find that content to share.

But as with all things, it's subjective. I live by the belief that quality over quantity. My admiration goes to the people who have real lives to upkeep, but still find the time to share their personal journeys with us. I am happy to see an author share their stories and experiences on a weekly or fortnightly basis. It's exhausting to have to comment and keep up with regular posters. I used to resent how they clogged up my feed, drowning out those I do care about. People here are just are not understanding it goes both ways if we are about genuine engagement. People might say to be regular (and I mean every few days) is to be a higher chance of being seen, and others might pat these regulars for continually pushing repetitive and soulless content on the platform, but it just encourages behaviors we don't need. There's so many things wrong with this platform and I believe this is a contributing factor.

Anyway, this is a trigger topic. I have been quietly angry at some of the blatant plagiarism due to this determination to be 'regular'.

There's going to be something (or a lot of things) wrong with any given platform depending on what you're hoping to get out of spending time on there. I agree with you on a lot of your dislikes, and I do like the fact we can mostly whatever here, and it's a case of promoting what we do like (in the form of attention and upvotes, even if your upvotes are teeny tiny) and ignoring (and downvoting in the cases of the freaking plagiarism aaargh) things we don't.

I don't think you should feel obliged to comment on every single thing someone posts especially if they're prolific and even more so if you think they're being a bit samey/barrel scrapey. Hell there have been way too many times over the past couple of months where I've just upvoted and run because I don't have the time and/or energy to comment :S

I guess it's hard when the sheer volume of people doing things you don't like is so ridiculously high XD But I like my little sector of steem enough to stick around for now. And maybe if we lead by example people will follow? Maybe? XD

^_^ well parents gotta parent I guess? XD

Thanks! I'd love to make this a short animation but...I don't have the models done yet and won't for a while because I'm doing this x_x and all the other stuff I was whining about in the post ^_^; lol. It's just a flowy comic. With headache inducing perspective in the middle XD

I rarely ever feel like making them XD I basically started doing them as apparently some people on G+ liked watching me draw for whatever reason (well watching a timelapse of me draw lol) and it was yet another way to try to get a bit more attention back when I was trying to figure out all the marketing and promotional stuff that I've now basically completely given up on XD but if someone wanted to watch them I'd do them again.

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