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RE: Defining "Anime" With ASMVs

in #akibasteem6 years ago (edited)

First time I heard of ASMVs actually. A good concept, but I find the music too overly dramatic. It's a major turn off, at least for someone who encountered way too many shitty Linkin Park AMVS back in the day.

I'm going to go real weaboo on this one; I prefer mixes by actual Japanese people a lot more (aka MAD). The tendency for westerners to essentially dramatise everything they can is not my thing.


Drama is in life itself, and there is no reason to dramatize it even more.

Honestly, you humans do so many dramatic things Maid-chan does not know why you invent even more!

The music is hit or miss for me. Some parts I love and other parts I don't. Most AMSVs aren't that good either. But some of them are ones that are like O Fortuna. You just can't get sick of it.

I actually do get sick of O Fortuna and don't think it's a very good choice for anime amvs/amsv, because it's one of those blanket songs that people use regardless of whether it fits or doesn't. I guess it's also tied too much to hollywood, and I really don't like the way their trailers are edited.

I didn't mention O Fortuna as an AMV soundtrack. I just love the soundtrack alone and I've been listening it for some time and it almost never get old for me.

I really don't like the way their trailers are edited.

Most of the time: Yes
In fact most of the time their movies are edited silly. Gareth Evans on the other hand is a master of directing and editing.

Oh if you mean outside of anime, sure, these tracks rock.

Lol why are the mixes by japanese people called MAD?

"The earliest form of MAD culture can be traced back to personal exchanges of MAD tapes--cassette tapes containing re-edited, mash-up footage of various newsclips--among Japanese university students in the 1980s. According to this MAD FAQ page, a couple of alumni students from Osaka University of Arts & Music are cited as the original pioneers of audio MADs as well as anime MADS. The term "MAD" stems from one of the early cassette tapes originally titled "Kichigai Tape" (Tape of Madness), but for some reason, it became more commonly known by the English equivalent"

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