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in #alcohol6 years ago


• Abhorred during Ramadan
• Many do not know that alcoholic drinks are beverages
• Has lesser sugar than many soft drinks

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Among the consistently consumed beverages on earth, alcohol seems to be the most controversial and dreaded. In many climes, it is freely sold and consumed while in other places it is forbidden. While so many people frown at its consumption, there is a preference for soft drinks.

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The attack on alcohol seems to make it a preferred drink. Many youths are told to avoid it, unfortunately they dive into its consumption as they exit teenage. In many countries, it is banned from sponsoring many sports events Nigeria inclusive. The climax of the war against alcohol comes from the majority of Christians and Muslims who preach against it.

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In a research carried out recently on the trends of alcoholic consumption, the findings were utterly bizarre. Figures collected factly stated that there has never been a lapse all year round in the consumption of the beverage. The most informative is that people tend to drink alcohol when celebrating, social events or while winding down after the days job. However, they drink to over drive quite regularly whenever situations goes negative - Alcohol is consumed in greater quantity whenever there is loss of jobs, burials and even loss in a bet.

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The only red flag against alcoholic beverages is its inducement to cause havoc. Under its influence both male and female opt for attitudes they will never be part of if they are not drunk. Many accidents has been attributed to it both at homes and out door. On many roads, it is advised never to drink when you are to drive.

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For many countries, a great percentage of the national taxes are collected from alcohol sales both locally and via export. The breweries provide jobs for a teaming number of people in its value chain. It is worth noting that one of the world most televised event on earth – The European Champions League is broadcast worldwide courtesy Heineken an alcoholic drink.



This quute true. Especially the muslems. They believe it's a c tabooo take alcohol... Well, your post has expantiated it.

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