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RE: Death of the Ego

The power and intensity of the solo experience makes it more meaningful in a way but just think about if this had been a guided experience. We need shamans again, the ones who can guide those experiences to help assuage the fear and direct the intent a bit more clearly.

I am always interested to hear about people's psychedelic experiences. They are all sooooo variable and I am especially curious about the mechanisms of the "bad" trip as I have never had one. I have had SUPER intense experiences, but nothing I would classify as bad.


This was by far the worst! Such a weird earthly feeling dark and damp. Started out with beautiful colors and brightness and crashed to dark black and white... so crazy. I have really considered looking into shamanism, with my experiences and I have a lot of experience with runes. But I know that is not something one can just pick up on their own. You need a dedicated teacher and I don’t think family man and shaman belong on the same resume lol.

Some of my favorite psychedelic experiences are the matrix effect. Really cool!

I think shaman is perfect on the resume. Means much more compassion and understanding. Who wouldn't want that type of person in their work force? 😆

Funny, I have been into runes for 30 years and have a a number of runes tattooed.Never learned divining or anything, just basic understanding, but my kids names are runic.

My all time most intensely incredible favorite is 5-meo-dmt.

Dmt takes you to its world, 5-meo takes you within

HOLY SHIT is that adage true.

That is awesome! I think we are kindred spirits! Hahaha! I have never tried DMT before and I know nothing about it. I have just seen a few people mention it in mushroom blogs. Glad we met on here man!

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Totally kindred spirits! My oldest is in kindergarten as well.

I would HIGHLY recommend DMT: The Spirit Molecule as a really good read. It's a solid step down the rabbit hole. Good reading while laid up convalescing.

Hope your surgery goes well!

I will drink a little extra tea and dive right in! Thanks you very much!

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