"Tariff Man! My Hero!"

in #anarchy5 years ago

Yes, this is another post to make deluded supposedly pro-freedom Trumpites squirm. Behold, the latest in a long line of cringe-worthy brain farts from the Orange Fuhrer. (See image below.) Here are a few things worth pointing out:

1 - Tariffs are taxes. Trump likes to tax people. He likes to use the violence of the state to steal wealth from people who are trying to voluntarily trade with each other.

2 - Offering to sell things to willing customers is not "raiding the great wealth" of a nation. Duh. Indeed, the most basic concept of economics--that both sides of every voluntary trade benefit, or they wouldn't do it--dictates that China enriches "our nation" by selling us stuff.

3 - What kind of control freak, parasitic, boot-licking bastard thinks that people who want to voluntarily trade have an obligation to pay a government for the "privilege" of doing so?

4 - Having the ruling class rob people--and yes, Trump's tariffs rob Americans--maxes out the power of the state, while diminishing the freedom and power of everyone else, including the American people.

5 - "We" are not taking in billions from Tariffs. The U.S. ruling class is getting rich, off of the American people. And some dumbass Trumpites are literally going to cheer for their own robbery after this.

6 - If you think that the ruling class stealing your money will "make America rich again," you're an imbecile.

So, Trumpites, bring on the lame-ass excuses and Stockholm Syndrome evasions!


I bet the tariffs will drop when the bottom starts falling out of the greenback.
Banknotes shredded for insulation to hide the heat signature from mining farms.

The next bailout will come from the IMF. The present agenda of Traiff Warfare and Fed Reserve sovereign destruction of USA is of course strategic, however imagine how delightful it will be to see the statists "bail-in" to the IMF with haircuts on savings accounts, pensions and anything else within digital reach. Don't bother passing the warning though 'cause of course "it can't happen here".

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Fantastic idea! It's working so well here in Australia where anything you now buy overseas as an individual or small company is going to cost way more than if a big company ships it in. They can ship and pay much lower duties because they can do it in much larger amounts. Now they've got no competition from smaller importers and individuals buying over eBay, they can charge what they want as long as it stays just below what all other purchases will cost.

gOvERNment pr0tecks us fRom the wealtHhy.

Worst, superhero, ever.

These dumb Tariffs are actually hurting our own American businesses, like Chevrolet, and Harley Davidson. Not to mention the Stock market doesn't seem to like them either.

Posted using Partiko Android

Taxes and fees (tariffs) will never make us richer. They will only take 10% from us instead of 25%, oh thank you.

The chickenshit conformist socialist Harley Davidson crowd with their fake patriotic flags strapped to their bikes are collectively being dragged willingly through the open sewer that is "Trump". There is nothing like turning the mirror onto the poseur statist enemies of freedom H.O.G. and watch their collective ego eat them from the inside out, especially here in the sticks where everybody knows yer name.

Fuck the tariff huggers.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

They will make the same empty excuses for this as they will make for the proposed bump stock ban: if a Republican proposes it, it is automatically virtuous because partisanship is the primary measure of intellectual legitimacy for the masses.

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