


Thank you😊😊



This is so cool. I also work with the collage technique and I find the results really pleasing : ) I think this technique also fits this theme nicely, as the result feels, at least to me, somewhat otherworldly

Thank you very much, i would love to see your collage artworks also))) I checked your profile anfd i saw the poem along with the illustration, lovely:)Are you from Georgia? If so you have a legacy in collage. Sergey Parajanov is one of my favourite collage artists and directors:)))

I'm not! I just love mythology in general and fell for the myth of Amirani. I'm glad you like my poem! I think my work in collage is not nearly as masterful as yours, since I mainly write, but I will post something so you can check it out!

Also I will look into the work of Mr Sergey, thanks!

Poetry and collage goes hand to hand sometimes, i know some poets who are also collage artists, i think it helps them visualise their thoughts:)

Yes, my mistake, i saw later that you are from Venezuela. Do you mind if i ask how things are there? we get a lot of sad news but i am not sure that what they show us is the truth.

You're absolutely right about poetry and collage!

About Venezuela, well... I'll try to make this as short as I can.

The situation here is really a complicated one. Media does indeed bend the truth a lot. Those who oppose the government tend to over dramatize the situation, making it look like we are living in a communist dictatorship with no liberties of any kind, and that is totally false. On the other hand, official media embellishes things and make them look as if we were in a socialist paradise and most people were happy and thriving.

It is undeniable that we're in a really bad shape, though. I'm going to tell you my experience. I come from a little farmer town were production and life conditions have been steadily decaying for years, as the government approach was to give out money to basically everyone who asked for it in the form of "agricultural loans", without making sure people actually had plans for such money, and without following the alleged projects to which the money was intended. Venezuela, as many latin-american countries, is highly centralized, and most quality universities, jobs, and government structure are at the capital, Caracas, so the tendency has always been for people from the interior to flood the city looking for brighter futures (since before the current government came into place), as I did.

So if you start crazily giving a lot of money to unprepared farmers living in underdeveloped and untended towns, focusing on a small capital that has exceeded its capacity long ago, you got a recipe for disaster. And from there it only snowballs, as the more people move to the capital you're gonna need to put more money into it, leaving the interior further behind, which in time results in more people moving to the capital...

You get the point. Now add corruption, nepotism, mindless power struggles, poor planning and economic policies (which seem to be the rule in most government around the world), and also polarization of people to the picture, and you have Venezuela nowadays.

I'm a freshly graduated mechanical engineer and although jobs are abundant (as most of the workforce leaves the country), salaries in bolivares (local currency) are way beyond what you need to make ends meet, and inflation makes it worse every day. The only way to survive is to have an income in dollars, but then you have to resource to the black market to convert them into bolivares, as exchange offices are nonexistent. Most people get several jobs and even get involved into plain illegal activities as food trafficking (because most food is imported, by the government or free agents), just to get to the end of the month. Beggars are everywhere, and people literally digs into trash for something to eat (this is something that happens in the very street where I live). Other people manage with the help of friends and family that have left and, also illegally, send them money.

But there's also what I call "the other Venezuela". People who were rich or became rich through illicit alliances with the gvmnt, who deal in dollars because their investments are abroad, are now even richer. This happens because there's a big demand for dollars from people who want to leave the country, and the only ways to get them is via the black market, where prices are astronomical, or the gvmnt, where prices are stupidly lower, but this last option is reserved a small circle working close to them.

There are of course a million more subtleties and nuances that I couldn't truly explain, but this is generally what's happening. Often people that oppose the gvmnt say we are Cuba, subsaharian Africa, the URSS, but the truth is we are not. There are still legal ways to leave, and there is still some degree of freedom of speech, and other things that put us far from the worst this planet has seen. But it is bad, and it is getting worse. After all, systems of government do have expiration dates, and when the same people is in power for 20 years, it definitely has started reeking long ago.

(sorry for the long comment, but it is not easy to explain!)

Thank you very much Amirani, it was not a long comment at all:) Actually i wanted to hear some truth about the situation from someone living there. Now i understand more. I am living in Greece and us too are on a tough spot for the past 10 years, E.U. put us through our politicians to an austerity program that destroyed our economy and our way of life. A lot of people lost their jobs others commited suicide and more than half a milion left the country to work abroad. We are living in terrible times and i hope things will get better someday, but i dont know, i am not as optimistic as i used to be...

Yes, I've read and asked many things about Greece. It is very sad that in games of power the only ones that lose are us, the commoners, who have no interest at all in participating in such games.

It is hard to keep hope and optimism when your very friends and family members are suffering so much, when you hear someone close commits suicide or gets killed as an outcome of tough times, or when you can no longer hang out with the people you hold dear because they have left, and even though our world is more "connected" now than ever, sometimes the connection you need is engaging in an embrace with a loved one. But not all is lost. As long as our hearts still pump red warm blood there are ways to find joy. In our creations, in kind words, in knowing that those that have passed still live within us in the lessons they taught us, in keeping in mind that those who have left are now thriving and have a chance at quieter, quality lives and that someday we will join them again around a full table and a warm fire, and the only tears that will run through our faces then will be tears of laughter.

Remember that the sun evaporates the water and everything dries out, but that's the only way it can rain later. Life gives as much as it takes, I'm positive about it. Keep putting joy and beauty out there with your art, and it will all turn back to you.

Finally, we have a saying in my country that roughly translates to "there's no ailment that lasts for a thousand years, or a body that can take it...". May we all live to see better times. Be well, my fried : )

That was so beautiful Amirani, thank you for this injection of optimism it was much needed:) Be well my friend i believe more this day that better times will come:)

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