in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



A Flibbertigibbet you well may have met,
Without realizing it, I am prepared to bet.
If you were thinking “gossiper”, you are on track,
Reticence, no idle talk. Yes tact they do lack.
A gossiper dearly loves to stupidly prattle,
About anyone and everyone do they tattle.
The sort of person that should “get a life”,
Of their own, without causing others strife.

Gossiping cannot occur on one’s own,
Unless, of course, one is on the telephone.
Usually it is when folk are in a huddle,
With other like minded people who love to muddle.
Perhaps this predilection begins in youth,
At school, where starts so much behaviour uncouth.
There, can develop many exclusive cliques,
Those excluded develop justified piques.
Behaviour inconstant, changeable, fickle.
Placing others in turmoil, yes in a pickle.

Basically people find agreeable only those like-minded.
To others’ qualities, that may exist, they are blinded.
Franklin Gnash was a gossiper brash,
Only a matter of time before he did clash,
With his gossiping victims, the silly clown,
They being justifiably tired of being put down.
When accosted, Franklin saw his plight
But, predictably, remained uncontrite.
I suppose there is much more, about Franklin, we could say,
But it may be construed in a gossiping way.
And since this tale is anti-flibbertigibbet,
Any gossiping inclination we should inhibit.



Your poems are unique, I love them. In poetry, both tremble and understand. Let's say that there are two types of poetic minds: one apt to invent fables and another willing to believe them. The rhythm is what makes poetry persuasive and not

Thanks for your insightful comment.

This piece is written as a self- castigation? Gossip adds flavor to dreary life, well in moderation at-least

  • A meek motor-mouth

Thanks for your comment.

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah, this sounds as intelligent as what comes out of a gossipers mouth. I had no idea what a flibbertigibbet was, i'm always learning something new from your poems. Brilliantly written!

Thank you for your comment and please don't flibbertigibbet about it.

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