in #art5 years ago

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



Frau Lumpf felt it time they considered art.
“Ve vill begin viff Opera, just for a start!”
“Ve vill go to the city of Stuttgart,”
“Vere they haff a theatre for operatic art.”
“Zere zey vill be showink LA GIOCONDA,”
“Vun of ze operas of vich ve is fonder.”
Herr Lumpf grunted and then passed wind.
Frau Lumpf while awaiting response, her head spinned.
“I did not know ve vas fond of any,”
“Ve haff more important tings to do, yes so many!”
“Vot ve need is more Schnitzel und beer,”
“More vurst and sauerkraut, more good cheer.”
“Vastink hard-earned money to go to Stuttgart,”
“It makes me bloated, make me fart!”

Frau Lumpf shook her head in dismay,
“Ve vill go to ze opera, ve vill vun day!”
At last she gradually wore Herr Lumpf down.
And booked them on a cultural trip to town.
Herr Lumpf grumpily acquiesced with a frown.
They arrived in Stuttgart the day before the show.
To the Schwienhund Hotel they then, did go.
The Schwienhund Hotel was built in Tyrolene Fashion.
It pleased Herr Lumpf. Tyrolene was his passion!

“Vy ve not goink to a Vagener opera show?”
“Vagener is a Chairman composer, don’t you know.”
“Ve should stick to things chairman vereeffer ve can.”
“Don’t forget that I, Herr Lumpf, am a Chairman man.”
Herr Lumpf liked things to be German nationalistic.
Frau Lumpf thought he was just being sadistic.
The next night they attended their Opera first.
Herr Lumpf, in a bag, took his best Wurst.

lumpf chronicles 11.png


Hahaha, I love the adventures of the Lumpf's!😁

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