Marginalia - doodles from my old college notebookssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art5 years ago

Cleaning out the attic this weekend

I came across boxes of my old college notebooks. Looking through them I am not 100% sure why I saved them - for the most part the notes I took listening to lectures don't really make sense now looking back at them.

meltyhead thing.jpg
Melty Face Thing

Lecture classes in college were usually a bit of a waste of time for me anyway; I always read (and comprehended) the assigned material, and then had to sit through a class where everyone else who didn't read or comprehend the assigned material kept interrupting the professor to ask asinine questions.

I spent most of my time doodling in the margins of my notes, or on a facing page, occasionally scribbling down an important bit.

I threw away most of the notebooks today, keeping two that actually might still conceivably serve as a useful reference to me. I did snap quick pictures to share of some of the doodles in the notebooks I threw away. I am not sure any of this is "good" art, but I would say this is "weird" art and may be interesting to other weirdos like me :)

I did find an amusing note (below) from a teacher on a test essay response, asking me to "eliminate the doodles next time" - so I guess my doodle art is not for everyone LOL


Marginalia are marks made in the margins of a book or other document. They may be scribbles, comments, glosses, critiques, doodles, or illuminations. Wikipedia

scorpiondemon tentacletaur facetorso.jpg
Scorpiondemon Tentacletaur Facetorso

bird building.jpg
Bird Building


redsunhead landscape.jpg
Redsunhead Landscape

dragon lama.jpg
Dragon Llama

Long Goatee

Multiface Pen

artist has achieved enlightment.jpg
Artist Has Achieved Enlightment

baboon face.jpg
Baboon Face

monkey and co.jpg
Monkey and Co.

bladetail creature.jpg
Bladetail Creature



snake head.jpg
Snake Head

Multiface Body

Pedestal Lounger

two headed faceshoulder.jpg
Two-Headed Faceshoulder


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These are all amazing, they are such high fine arts I can see them as sculptures exhibited in some fancy museums or in the deep recesses of my nightmares. Same difference, really :D

That lecturer's note is roooood~

Loves these, Carl. My favourite is Artist Has Achieved Enlightenment :D

It looks and feels exactly like how I feel when I make sommit somewhat decent :D :D :D

Yeah that is a happy little dude-le

Wow you drew those in your college days :O. I'm glad you don't throw them out, they're really nice especially that two headed faceshoulder :D.
You should draw more :).

I threw away most of the notebooks today, keeping two that actually might still conceivably serve as a useful reference to me. I did snap quick pictures to share of some of the doodles in the notebooks I threw away.

I did throw them away (yesterday) :) I have been obsessing over my digital alien art process for the last year and a half or so but I am sure at some point the pendulum will swing back toward pen and ink drawing.

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What a great idea Carl!
Just because they are old doodles doesn't mean they aren't good doodles.
Now I need to go look through my sketchbooks. :)

Nice work my man!

Hey glad I inspired you! It was kind of a trip looking back through all these pages that represented hours and hours of my life (not to mention a hefty student loan debt), and the only thing of value I was finding in them was the doodles LOL

Good for you but for me, I got understanding from attending lectures. I never really read materials unless it's close to exams, because attending lectures was good enough.

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Yup that is how the majority of college students operate I think. Definitely that is how my classmates operated. This was my second stint at college, after dropping out initially after 2 years. When I went back to college a few years later I actually wanted to be there and wanted to learn the material, so I read everything thoroughly and then was frustrated during classes when we basically spent the whole time rehashing what I had already learned, for the benefit of everyone else who didn't actually do the assigned reading. Oh well - gave me lots of time to doodle :)

It's all good

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