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RE: Does Being Creative Depend on Having a Space?

in #art6 years ago

This is SO en pointe to my own current life, as you know. For me, though, I took some suitcases and realized I'd just need to buy a few things when we found a house and make do with whatever space we could manage.

Having found a house we all love (my travel companions who are lucky enough to stay in our house year round, while I will only be here half the year) and truly loving my little bit of the house, it is definitely smaller than what I have back in my New England house. BUT, my move to digital artwork began on one of my UK trips when I could not find a good spot in London for a studio.

I am a member of the London Library and it is such a great place to 'be' when I'm in the city that I thought, 'what if my studio was my computer' and thus here I am.

With that I have now happily taken up my studio space in a room off my bedroom the room is probably 10 x 8 but I found a sweet little antique desk a comfy chair and a side table. This way I can use my various drawing computers and still have room for a small pop up easel and a small collectoin of some paints and pens.

As far as drawing/writing AS we are travelling I have been trying my darndest but also feeling horrible that I can't get to everyone so quickly as I did before.

I try to steal out sections of days to work on art and try to photo and document some of what I am doing, but I still have not shared the rest of my garden or house yet, just haven't had time.

I realize your studio needs are MUCH greater than mine could ever be, as you can't make your ceramics digital, so I truly feel for you.

I hope you are settling in and I do look forward to chatting and combining our creative thoughts if we ever get settled down and are in the same country! :)

Keep on creating!


Sounds like you're doing so well with your new nomadic life! I'm loving your posts and again am inspired by your productivity. Give yourself a break with what you don't find time for....this place and time is special and important, enjoy it as makes the most sense in the moment!

It is so true. I am trying to make sure I keep at least a 'grip' on a 'sort of ' artists schedule as if I let slip too much, I know how easy it is to just let days turn into months...
I'm excited to get the house set up more so I can focus on part of the day art part of the day play tourist, but now we've so much other things like buying furniture, learning bus schedules signing up for this or that (all that houses entail, as you well know with your Big move)!

It is all exciting as well, non?!

Agreed, very exciting and it's very wise of you to try to maintain some kind of schedule so life doesn't slip away without attention to the important things! Enjoy Donna and happy thanksgiving!

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