My Latest Still Life Painting (“The Impostor”) and Its Development.

in #art5 years ago

My Latest Still Life Painting (“The Impostor”) and Its Development.

”The Impostor”
9” x 12”
Oil on birch panel

Greetings Everyone,

In this post I thought I’d share my latest still life painting and share how it progressed.

As a painter continues to develop, improve and problem solve; it's all too easy to drop the ball when it comes to the core components of what makes a painting.

Which is why in this particular still life I decided to retrace my steps and take more of a methodical and classical approach without getting ahead of myself.

Here I started with transferring the armature drawing and sealing it with ink. I then proceeded to do a wipeout by first covering the whole surface with raw umber and pulling out the lights.

I have to say that the last time I did a wipeout to prep a painting was during my atelier training!

Then in a strategic manner I decided to move from right to left and hyper focus on each individual form and connecting each painted section as I move along.

I've really been enjoying how this painting has been unfolding.

After I “finished” the predominant bowl of eggs, I then proceeded to move in a similar fashion towards the pepper, toy egg, and the remaining container on the left.

Throughout the course of the painting, I was sure to constantly keep in mind the concept of atmosphere, keeping my darks warm and luminous, and my lights strong while compressing values.

As I moved on to each individual object I made sure to go back and oil out as needed so that a constant anchor of “keyed” values to compare to.

Working from the background and then on the edges of the objects I then routinely and painstakingly rendered the forms into the lights, sharpening edges as needed as to guide the viewer’s eyes around the work.

..Aaaand it’s finished!!

Thanks for reading Everyone!

-James Hansen

EMAIL: [email protected]




I really like how real and soft this painting is @jameszenartist :) the eggs look very inviting and i like the shine on the black bowl and white container. What is the middle orange/brown thing in the bowl of eggs? Is it a brown egg? I like how you gave details to the pepper dispenser too and the toy egg looks like humpty dumpty hehe. Did you use paint only to colour? I like how the colours and shading turned out. And may I ask, how does a wipeout work to prep for the painting? Thank you again for sharing your work with us. Sorry for the many questions :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you @marblely :) There's no need to apologize. The orange is the reflected light bouncing around. And the toy egg is actually something I found in one of my niece's many mountains of toys. And what do you mean by color? Because the whole thing is done with oils.

And to answer your last question, the wipeout technique is one of the oldest and quickest methods in which to establish the prameters of value throughout the painting. This way when you actually begin to paint you're not having to second guess on how light or dark something is.

Hello @jameszenartist, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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