
in #art6 years ago


Sometimes, when I am really proud of my work, I understand that right now I cannot do it better.

When it was just started the horse came out like a caricature from a really bad cartoon, and then step by step the head of the horse, the body. I was really lost with the legs and still cannot understand the idea of horse moving and holding balance.
But nevertheless I know that it's the best of what could appear from my hands now.


This is a very excellent horse. Keep trying and you will always improve.

Thank you )

У вас хорошо получается)

Спасибо, я верю в то, что практика и опыт должны сотворить чудо )

И в то же время я столько лет восхищалась работой других людей, не думая, что у меня может что-то получиться, а сейчас я вижу, насколько каждая работа приближает меня к желаемому результату.

You did an excellent job on this painting. I think the legs might be a little longer on the horse but aside from that great work in watercolor.

Or maybe the horse became too fat so the legs are small for that great body :)

Dear artist @limnade, it's a nice watercolor. To see your horse a memory come to me that I was draw a horse. I want to share it with you . Hope you enjoy this. Here is my drawing.FB_IMG_1470680096805.jpg
Please give your opinion if you think we are friend as a artist.

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