Inktober #7: exhausted - the tired face

in #art6 years ago

At first: Happy Sunday to you all! Today is a grey days and the sky is full of clouds. Maybe it will rain soon, but my mom just called me to say she'll be at the market in my city and so I'll go out soon (with my umbrella, sure!).

Today is the seventh day of the inktober (you can read more about this wonderful challenge here) and the word for today is "exhausted"! Just a curiosity about this word: in Italian is "esausto" and it sounds really similar to English ^_^

To represent the word I chose to sketch the face of a very tired man. As I wrote many times, I'm always intrigued by the wrinkles on a face and so it was a ppleasure to do this (very fast) sketch!

I didn't use inks in different colors, but just the black color, because I thought a simple b/w could be interesting to remind a tired face. 

As you can see I sketched the face not using my own style, but just an (almost) realistic style. Usually I did sketches like this to exercise my hands every day and I use just the pencils an/or charcoals, but it's the Inktober so I'm trying to improve my skills in the ink drawings (it's a long way for me :P )

Happy Inktober to everyone and see ya later!


silvia beneforti


This is what I can't do, draw something from my imagination. It takes a true artist to do this, not a reproduction one like me.

I think it's like to play guitar (or something different). You have to exercise your hands as much as possible before to play something written by you. Maybe.
In the pas I tried to learn to play guitar, but I didn't exercise my hands enough to play something in a decent way, so I started to think to try something different to express myself and so here I am :D

I feel as that face looks, I am shattered LOL

I also have this face sometimes :P

Think its perfect when your not in the mood for people lol

I love him! And I think many of us were akin to the word 'exhausted' I know I was and when I drew my witch I thought,
"well this is art imitating life" :)

We had a rainy Sunday to start and then an odd yellow gold light which we often get over the sea after a storm when a new one is growing in the distance.

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