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RE: Does Being Creative Depend on Having a Space?

in #art6 years ago

wow you have been on a journey, it is a huge thing to move from your home, but then to get to you new home to find it is not as agreed and infested, not nice. But sometimes life takes us on these journeys as there is always a lesson to be learnt.
I hear you about bandwidth, I live in a very small space with my kids and find it really hard to get the time to be creative, I need to make a huge effort to set aside time or it just doesnot happen and as you said you need that time before hand to prepare yourself, to meditate and be in the right frame of mind. When I am able to do that then my creativity flows, otherwise I find it difficult for sure.
I have set up a women's co op in my area to help other single moms create together as on our own it is so difficult, it is so hard to prioritize time when you have little ones. So far we meet weekly and it has mostly been to discuss what we wish to achieve but the aim is to create an income together.


Hi @trucklife-family! Thanks for your comment, what a great idea to set up a women's co op for other single moms, I know this creative "space/bandwidth" conundrum can be especially challenging with little ones around since their needs understandably come first. Good for you for carving out the headspace as you are able! It seems like you do very well with it judging from your content here on steemit - great work!

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