

Tyger, I totally agree. I don't know much about visual art but I find it very compelling.


Well, this was only half finished when the date rolled round. The short listing date came and went for this piece too last week. I didn't really expect to be short listed, it was only half finished after all, and by that time I felt pretty OK about it. The contest got me creating. I never feel like I have achieved a finished piece. Anyway, when I realised that it had not been accepted I decided to go ahead and paint it. It needed some colour.

Last night I got a call from the gallery. They said, Your piece was shortlisted but you haven't dropped it off yet. Can you have it here tomorrow? 😂 😂
I did laugh. I was among half a dozen people who for some reason didn't receive the email. I told her about my situation.
I only entered for a distraction from life and that I paint for the sake of sanity only, and I'm not really an artist, but thanks for the call. Don't feel obliged to choose it, it is different from the original image.
She said painting for sanity is what all artists do. Can you have it here by 1030am tomorrow? 😂 😂 😂 😂 💃💃
So last night I scrambled to finish the half paint job, it was at an acceptable finished black and white stage when entered but the painting process is another story.
I've had a few hours sleep, and am actually due for a short stay admission at midday for a minor over night hospital thing. It's 5am, my son fell out of bed at 430 (perfect alarm clock), now I am up and waiting for my hands to work so I can go back over some sharpie lines before I drop it off on my way to a less pleasant work up. 😂

I came back to this thread, because the three of you know me. I don't need to write the whole background of this thing in order to convey the meaning. And I can thank the three of you for being here and each being a significant enriching element of my life. The colour in my black and white shattered map of where I dwell and used to live.
I am only colouring sections. I want to leave the majority black and white. And yes that is a proud rainbow of colour I have chosen quill. I thought about our slightly heated debate when I chose the rainbow. It represents the diverse constituent demographic of inner Sydney. Our local crossing in my neighbour that is usually black and white zebra crossing was decorated in chalk by local school kids in rainbow colours, they didn't call it pride, they called it diversity and inclusiveness. The council later painted it. Yes I wrote that to bait you quill. To bait you in a conversation with tyge no less.
But seriously. Thanks for your support and for believing in me. ❤


Well, this was only half finished when the date rolled round.

Marg, a lot of life is about perspective. And marketing. Since this seems to happen a lot ... adapt ... and make it look like you're doing it on purpose. Like you've had a friggin' insight.

You start a new art genre called, "Pieces Half-Finished."

Everybody with a paint palette will be kicking themselves, "Shit ... how come I didn't think of that!? Instantly, 50% more efficient."

And yes that is a proud rainbow of colour I have chosen quill.

Marg, for the record, I'm not "anti-LGBT." I'm "anti-unsupported arguments" masquerading as "logic" and "fantasies" masquerading as "facts." A "hypothesis" is not a "theory" and an "opinion" is not "the truth." I attack ideology wherever I see it and with equal vigor. Here on Steemit, I've done the same respecting the ideological claims of "anarchists," including those who are Whales and Witnesses. I've done the same with respect to the claims of conspiracy theorists.

Moreover, I don't have a problem with LGBT having a rainbow flag. I do have a problems with their combining it, through defacement, with the American or Canadian or Australian National flags. I don't deface the National Flag for the cause of Alzheimer's research, you don't deface it for the cause of EDS research ... so why should they get to deface it for LGBT causes? They shouldn't.

BTW, I have several gay and lesbian friends who are similarly horrified by the antics they see at LGBT Pride Parades. If you look and act like a circus clown, don't be surprised when people treat you like a circus clown.

If you want me to take you seriously as a human being, walking around dressed like an idiot and carrying a placard saying, SODOMIZE ME! (It's Legal!) is not the way to do it. This does not make me anti-gay ... it makes me anti-idiot.



I don't think I need to explain to you my darling how frustrating it feels to have creativity trapped inside and a body that will not cooperate.
Yesterday was the deadline for this. I scratched it out with a sharpie lying down, and then forwarded the entry 6 minutes shy of the cut off.
I left it black and white... It couldn't do it... And I bundled in some what.
It wasn't about the damn painting, but it represents a lot. It is everything, I fail at everything, and we still haven't accustomed to this person I am. We are still looking to fix things, I am yet to adopt a mindset that this is me. But I can't do things, and pain is getting the best of me. If I take my son round the block or outside for half an hour, I pay for a week. Sometimes I think I got away with something, or I forget I can't do things, then my head turns it around and I question if I should try harder like some say I should. Rather than enjoy the window of a moment of function or less pain, I tell myself I should be like this all the time. Or the echo of judgement (my own projected through the words of others) grow in power and decibels. Then it all returns and I feel stupid. For not using the time when OK to be appreciative and for thinking it was gone because I covered it with medication to get up.
That is what the damn drawing represents.
So I fashioned a broken mirror to the face of the bandicoot. I pasted it over the community, the map of the community that I used to be a part of. 😂 I actually did. In my summary I wrote. This is a map of roads I know well. But I don't run on them anymore. Now I live on line. The broken mirror represents the person I am now and name I took from one of my favourite Picasso works Girl before a mirror.
This painting challenges a sense of existing / coexisting on several levels, and the notion of community and belonging. The fact it is incomplete perhaps speaks truths. It has a couple of indigenous symbols (which I included with careful thought as I'm not Koori ). I haven't ever used them, because it is like theft of culture and language, but I wanted the history of this place to be more than bandicoots and old mills. People have lived here over 60,000 years.
There are 29 nations in the Sydney area alone, they are sometimes referred to as The Eora nation, Eora meaning, From this place.
They are still here...

how frustrating it feels to have creativity trapped inside and a body that will not cooperate.

I know the feeling. Let me tell you that I loved both of your works as they were layered. The second spoke more to me. Even before I read your explanation for it, I saw it like a broken glass/mirror or a puzzle - a sort of reminder of a distant memory of a life that is now missed.



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