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RE: MUST READ POST!! An Interview with the Steemit Artist @organduo - What Makes Him Tick?

in #artstorm6 years ago

Thanks so much @deemarshall! I had immense fun doing this interview. Hope some people will enjoy reading it as well.


I read it and enjoyed it -- as a former professional journalist and always a fellow composer, I enjoyed the insights drawn by the careful questioning and the thoughtful answers! Great job all around, and an encouragement to me as a creative who has only been here six days!

You are very welcome! I am happy that you had fun :)

You did an awsome interview @organduo. I’m so impressed with you and @deemarshall, your incredibly talented sir. I pictured you and your wife a much older couple. Probably because you say such profoundly wise stuff sometimes, like a wise old owl 🦉. You have a wonderful partnership in marriage. So wonderful to see it. Drawing pictures to each other how beautiful and quit endearing friend. Bless you for sharing your creative abilities to the world.

Yes, we recommend drawing pictures to anybody.

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