in #artzone6 years ago


Dreams are the connections that your subconscious mind communicates with you in a nondescript way. Dreams are dreams, dreams, joys and images shaped by them. Dreams are closely related to human psychology. It shows that people spend about six years in their dreams, which are about two hours each night for a lifetime. You will see dreams when your dreams and memories are rearranged during sleep.
Some theories suggest that fantasies include the repressed feelings of a person who is fantasized while sleeping. There are other theories that suggest that dreams are a side effect of brain cleansing operations. So emotional selection tells us that the psychology of dreams is usually about improving mental schemes, that it is about increasing their social skills, and imagining and dreaming about events they can not live.


@oguzcan, congratulations on making your first post! I gave you an upvote!

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Nice post! I'm definitely most fascinated by lucid dreams, and how to trigger them. Do you have any experience with these?

Very nice post. Upvoted.

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