My first week on #share2steem

in #automation5 years ago

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First thing to clear up is that I'm not moving it over to this account at least for the time being.

I've posted 15 times in the last week. The most was four times last Tuesday, my first day when I was still plugging bits in and establishing each platform worked OK. I've posted via instagram every day and then also posted a few tweets.

I got my first payouts today - earning a whopping 0.117 STEEM and the same in SP. Which actually isn't too bad for a brand new account for the first day of posting.

Each post is eligible for one @share2steem post a day and one from the "Pool" and then the "Trail" also votes "if you've put enough back in" - yeah, I've kind of got it, but I'm not certain what the distinction between the Pool and the Trail is in terms of who or how many people you'd expect to vote. I think it's going to take a few more weeks to get my head round it properly.

On the leaderboard I'm in 133rd place overall but I'm 42nd in terms of "influence" (ie having lots of followers on the social platforms) while I'm 354th in earnings (because I've only been earning one day!). So far, so meaningless, but it does give me something to benchmark against and feel good when I'm moving up the rankings because that should mean a bigger payout tomorrow.

So I'm carrying on to see how much higher I can get and see how building my SP and therefore my voting oomph might boost my rewards.


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