My Behind the Curtain Challenge

@phoenixwren tagged me to do this, so I suppose I will, though I'm not sure I know 5 steemians to tag. I'll deal with that at the end of the post.

Until, then, pay no attention to the person behind the curtain. But do, please, admire the decor.

The Challenge, from @freedomtowrite: show us where you work on Steemit, or yourself where you work on Steemit.

The rules:

Take a picture of yourself working on Steemit, or what you see while you work on Steemit.

Tag 5 Steemians in your post.

Use the #behindthecurtain


My main writing spot is my desk, situated next to two windows. <3 This is it when it was still being put together.


My desk. I adore it.



Some of my knick knacks. Can't seem to find the pictures I know I have of all of them.

My second writing spot is my couch in my living room.



Needless to say, this second spot is not as productive due to the television right in front of me the whole time.

And here's the only selfie you all are getting out of me today:


I exclusively use my laptop to write, and then alternate between my gopro and android for photos.

So let's see, nominations. Umm...@yogajill, @foxyspirit, @marionbowes, @davedickeyall, and...umm... @luanne.

Ha, five.


Why is there an evil monkey behind your tv?? LOL

It's Caesar from Planet of the Apes! I adore the new movies, especially from a zoo keeper/anthropologist standpoint.

Oh, I’ve only seen the first remake and the original, I don't remember any names, sorry!

You have a beautiful desk to work on, and so much sunshine! I love it! I hear ya about the TV being distracting haha

It was so nice to meet you @bearsquared51! Thank you for participating in my challenge! I'm now following!

Fun challenge @freedomtowrite nice to see you here!!!

Thank you for the fun challenge! It pulled me out of my comfort zone, if I'm honest. Which is good. :-)

I will check it out!

Haha :) this is awesome!! Love seeing these images! You're selfie is sweet! Reminds me of my kids too tbh :) just always being goofie when i want to take a photo!! I will have to get my kid to take a pic of me on my phone lol!

Too funny 😊

I was already nominated by phoenixwren...

Ah, I didn't see that! Sorry luanne.

No biggy! I could do it again but it would just look the same. Lolol

I love it @bearsquared51, and especially these little dudes and that cute aloe plant...

I love my Totoro's and my aloe plant. She's been quite handy this last year.

I'd have to figure out pictures, but I should do a post on how my husband was ASTOUNDED that it's possible to just clip a little off the plant and use it as medicine.

#goals for me. To have as beautiful a spot as yours!

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