
Hello @barbadosso

You requested your Magic Dice details.

You were referred to Magic Dice by None and have 1 referrals.
You are currently delegating 0 Steem Power.

You have placed 255 bets with a 46.27% win rate.

You have wagered 254.474000 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD.
You have won 197.078000 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD.
Your profit is -57.396000 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD.

You received 0.001400 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD in referral bonuses.
You received 1.556248 STEEM and 0.010828 SBD in dividends.

Your absolute profit/loss is: -55.840000 STEEM and 0.011000 SBD

You have acquired 20,861.925000 Magic Tokens.
Your spent per 1M Magic Tokens: 2,751.248000 STEEM and 0.000000 SBD.

Magic Dice has rewarded your post with a 28% upvote. Thanks for playing Magic Dice.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.30
TRX 0.12
JST 0.032
BTC 61766.85
ETH 3081.60
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.82