in #bigwaves6 years ago (edited)


If what you see is all you see, then you do not see all there is to be seen -Dr Tony Evans

I took a huge step on this post i put all my energy in it or atleast i think i did, and i did get results. It is good to be result centric, it helps you to learn how you did what you did that made you get what you got and to help you get close to what you want.

I challenged myself to be original.

You cant get better at something just by sitting down on your loins and wishing you were better. If you read my last post, four key points to success which i highlighted: persistence, consistency, willpower and determination. That time comes when you have to do something for yourself that you've not done before so that you can begin to get things you have never gotten before. So i began to do what i had never done before, and yes i began to see results.

Some people will say, but your posts are not making any money or hitting the hot/trending page, well that just ain't the result i'm looking for yet.

I like myself a lot, i'm very quick to insult myself at any slightly committed error.

ah mistakili, you are so stupid, i warned you didnt i, you never just listen, dumba@#$*?

But im also quick to seek out the most critical best fit solutions to my errors. I think every human being is wired to, but im also always awed at the solutions some people come up with.

Some people will complain even in heaven, and some people will also complain out of hell

Some people do not get anything done, they are very busy chasing their own tail...on the same spot. Epic! How does one take pleasure in complaining? So much that they miss the whole point. If i were the devil, and a burning soul in hell is complaining instead of wailing and gnashing teeth, ild be upset and throw it away to another hell or something.

On steemit, it is easy to get wound up in the complainers basket one reason being that, life is hard work and everybody wants a shortcut with little or no work, for some people, this is what describes them, while some others have scaled this, those who have scaled this point, know what to look for in the trending/hot pages, while the others get wound up in the wrong web with all the negativities humanity has to offer, which takes them two steps backward.

Those pages have been carefully crafted to contain a wide range of metrics, the system is responsible for what it shows you, you are responsible for what you see.

Steemit is hard, well so is life, but if I'm still alive till now, then it is up to me to make it into what i want it to be.

Is steemit hard for me? Like, hell yeah! But you know what? Im hard too, and i can only get harder (stop thinking like that, it is a very innocent phrase) but out of all these hardness, i have made steps borne out of determination that quitting is no option!

As a result of this, i have put myself in a state of constant development more than ever.

These results are far better than upvotes my friend. Instead of resulting to complaining, why not put the work in.

Do incentive's make you a better person?

It is a common practise that to cajole someone into doing something, a sort of incentive is being offered to boost or encourage that person.

If your only aim of being on steemit is monetary, then i apologize you cannot get the best of steemit. Just like every business, if your major drive is the money you want out of it, one may miss the whole point. I see steemit as a giant A.I bot, that scans through every activity and knows how much work you have put in, every part is interconnected. But the connections, you make here are worth more than few upvotes.

If a boss wants his workers to work extra hard, he can offer some sort of incentive to boost them or encourage them.

On steemit, people are being encouraged to be better at what they do, the incentives are bigger and more upvotes. My question lies in this, when do we choose to want to be better for ourselves without being offered anything for it? What is the worse case scenario of "incentivizing" everything? Should you choose to be better for you or for the incentives you're going to get from it?

I feel getting better generally should be the focus of everyone. Incentives can make a easy work seem tough, and such "work" is easy to be given up on. Why then must we wait for incentives before we can attain the pinnacle of our very best?

Through the challenges i gave myself, one of the results i came about was that a bunch of things i thought to be difficult were actually not. And there is something about consistency, that makes you better each time you are engaged in that particular activity. Practice makes perfect is phrase I've seen in action, more than any other.

However, the most important result I came by was the realization of the fact that nothing beats originality. There's a magic flow of electron that passes through my thoughts whenever I'm not trying to be somebody else. I'm the worst person at managing myself, I do have techniques though that make it easier for me to get myself to get things done, in my own way. I love original people, they bring out the essence of true distinctiveness in human diversity by being themselves and not somebody else. They usually seem confused or different, rather than form to be all collected and perfect. One of the best of them I've come across here on steemit is @nonameslefttouse, he puts the "w" in weird, and he is a fine definition of original.

There is a sort of attraction I have for people who are not scared to fall, people who are not afraid to fail, because they have made peace with their inadequacies and have accepted their capabilities, but are willing to be better. It leads them to focusing all their energy on their desired results, rather than battling with accepting their inadequacies that led to the failure, they are more ready to fail and try themselves till they get the tune they want.

Out of originality creativity is borne

Creativity means the use of imagination or original ideas to create something source

That is the cheapest explanation you can find on creativity, the word itself is borne out of its main attribute, original, hence there are a ton of meanings to it. When you are original, the outcome of your effort always stands out, it is mostly always incomparable, some will call it, "out of the box".

There is freedom in originality, the ability to express oneself in the purest form, as one is, in one's uniqueness. There is also ease of learning, as the mind has accepted it's shortcomings and is ready to do better.

In a world where everybody is responsible for what they perceive and what they understand, are we really seeing all there is to see?
Do we need to do more seeing, rather than more complaining?

Of course I'm not perfect, infact I'm still quite far, but I'm willing to put the work in, till I can spin magic out of the confluence of my hands and my thoughts.

Thank you for reading


yes its a great

Yes sir I agree with you that its really originality The Truth.

Thank You for great share.

No one is perfect in this world even if someone is the opposition still will be there, so no one can satisfy the whole world at the same time. So better to ignore such type of peoples and views.

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