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RE: Guy saw 2018 Bitcoin Dump Now Sees HUGE Target

in #bitcoin5 years ago

You find someone with a house, property or a car you want, and you say, how much bitcoin do you want for that.

At $100,000 bitcoin, lots of people will be all happy to get some of that stuff.

So, you get them set up with a wallet and you transfer them some bitcoin, then drive off in your new (to you) car.


So still, where the part:

I also do not expect to be able to get out into cash at that price


Legitimate exchanges are only getting better and better. I can get any of my crypto in CAD in my bank account within hours.

So I’m curious on the rationale for this specific point of yours...?

Are you aware that there have been ATM companies that have shut down because they can't get enough cash to stock their machines?

Kinda like that, but on a bigger scale.
The gateway between bank accounts and exchanges is not that big, it seems ok now, because none of us use BIG BUCKS, however, when you want house price sized transfers, you will find that the exchanges can't handle it.

It will show itself to be a tiny funnel.

Further, you may not realize that not much money exists.
Sure, there is lots of bank account numbers, but no real cash.
So, a bank can give you a loan to buy a house (because that is just making up numbers) but they can give you enough money to buy a house.

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