Random Thoughts with Cryptokidd

in #bitcoin6 years ago

red rock 1.JPG

red rock 2.JPG

red rock 3.JPG

So here are a few pictures I took today hiking to clear my head and all I could think about was Bitcoin. I've been watching these prices of cryptos falling for a while now like everyone else. This time is no different than we've seen before, but what should be different for lots of us this time is the confidence to invest more into the crypto markets during the bloody market opportunities. Get what you can afford to put in and PUT IT IN! I think this is a time I will kick myself for later if I don't take advantage of my knowledge now.


What a beautiful place indeed

Yes you will regret not buying in.
This is like if you bought Amazon at IPO (was fun) and then everytime there was a pullback and correction you sold instead of buying more,
meanwhile you are running around telling everyone that 10 - 20 years from now all shopping will be done online.

That is what the crypto market is right now if you are not putting every once of xtra FIAT into it. If you went to Starbucks today instead of buying crypto and drinking water ... well.. not sure i can help you.

Where were you hiking at ? I live up next to Boulder.

Colorado Springs red rock open space.

Amazing photos dear

Very good place to walk and clear your mind, and quiet friend, I am sure that as well as the price of bitcoin goes down when it rises it will give a hard blow.

Agreed. I still make trading mistakes daily, even though we watch BTC like a hawk. Patience is the key in these markets. Buy low, sell high. Don't get emotional. I surround myself with good level headed analysts like Peter Brandt, that's been in the game longer than I've been out of diapers.

Good pics. That 'pyramid structure', looks like a step pyramid. That's not natural occurring, right? It's fascinating. We need nature and fellowship to keep the balance. Staring at screens all day will drive us all mad.

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