So I Gave Jordan Peterson a Bitcoin Paper Wallet ... :D

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Hey!! How goes it.


So over the past few months, I've become fascinated with Dr. Peterson's work. Jordan Peterson (for the un initiated) is a Psychology professor and clinical psychologist and has taught at Harvard and now the University of Toronto.

Peterson rose to viral fame recently around his opposition to a Canadian Bill that makes it a legal requirement to address individuals by their chosen pronouns, regardless of which out of the infinite amount created by postmodernists, they chose.

This line on the sand, however, is only a window into what problems in society he is addressing.

The most fascinating area of work he is engaged on today, to me, is the psychological analysis of the Biblical stories. Which you can find here on his youtube channel.

Through this work, he is bridging the gap between the psychological and individual liberty wisdom of many religions, starting with the Bible, and the cold truth achievable by the scientific method. With the "death of God" as a literal figure at the hands of science, the foundation of inherited moral standards shattered and slowly continued to crumble leading to the most brutal government lead mass murders the world has ever seen only decades after.

Aka, the world wars and the fall of communism.

Human tribalism with industrial age technology and no longer fearing the wrath of God.

Well many felt the wrath of God at the hands of those cold man made machines. Communism was lead by Atheists after all.

He is bringing back life to the individualist spiritual wisdom seen in these ancient stories, through the use of rational psychology and the best scientific research on the human experience that we have available. Or so it seems.

The thing about this work that has blown my mind is his appreciation for the bizarre phenomenon of this stories, surviving thousands perhaps tens of thousands of years.

Why did they survive that long? why are they so popular? Atheists dont seem to give this human phenomenon enough respect. Something which a Psychologist is more likely to recognize.

While over time interpretations of their meaning have grown on fame and infamy, resulting in calcified and shallow critiques of its value, Peterson brings a level of psychological - rational argumentation and scientific rigor to the discovery of their meaning that I genuinely believe is truly historic.

I wrote more about this a few weeks back, here's more for you on why his work matters.

But anyways. Long story short, I got the opportunity to attend his last lecture on his first 12 piece series on the Bible and let me tell you, it was fantastic, but you'll have the chance to see that your self as soon as it's published.

Wanting not to waste this opportunity and being the Bitcoin bullish devote that I currently am, I decided to give him a Bitcoin paper wallet.

The conversation went more or less like this.

Me: "Hey Dr. Peterson! Here's 100 dollars worth of Bitcoin",

JP: " And is going to 50 thousand soon eh? "

As he received the paper wallet.

Me: "Haha let's hope so"

I don't know how closely he follows Bitcoin, and he has never claimed to be an economist of financial analyst, so don't take his comment too seriously, ( though I could see it hit 50K a Bitcoin in 3 years). The one sure thing, however, is that he knew about it before, and certainly does now.



For those curious about how I did it, here's the paper wallet website I used ( which you can use offline)

If you want to donate some Bitcoin to Jordan Peterson, you are welcome now to use this address. The more there is there the more likely he is to move it elsewhere which will be a great thing, cuz he'll now have a nice stash of BTC which I am confident he'll do a great deal of good with.

Let's show him some #Bitcoin love.

UPDATE 2: It has 0.25 BTC Now!!! 10 times what I put in!!! AMAZING. Let's make it 1 full Bitcoin!

UPDATE: Also please upvote this post on reddit so he can get more Bitcoin.


Donated! Great man! Would be great to push it until 1 BTC! He deserved it.

Interesting page by the way. So he gets the funds only by using his paper wallet?

The guy deserves any donations he can get.

Peterson followers unite! We need him here on steemit. The time is ripe. He is looking NOW to stick it to the man (google), and it would be an absolute COUP if he started monetizing his videos using the steem blockchain. Following everyone who comments on this thread. (and full upvote for every comment, fwiw.)

TOTALLY That's an excellent idea. I dropped him my business card to and pitched him on how crypto can help him build one of this upcoming projects and that I can help. really hoping he reaches out he seemed interested.

AWESOME! Might need to get me one of them wallets too. Thanks for the bitcoinpaperwallet link.


Nice one! I like your style and initiative to support someone who is having such a positive impact.

followed :)

Superb! I am just as much a fan as you are, for exactly the same reasons 😀 Will donate too!

What a great initiative! Dr. Peterson needs all the help he can get. He's got some great projects coming soon, for example a website where you can check whether your university courses are infected with post-modernist dogmas.

Cool, hope it gets loaded up!

The more independently wealthy researchers and scholars are out there, free to do their work, the better a world we'll have!

Dude........ I just tumbled down the Jordan Peterson rabbit hole. Thank you Juan Galt! I really like his talk about writing out your ideal future and your hell future for motivation.

Enjoy the ride brother!

you should edit one of your tags out to #jordanpeterson :)

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