Can a search engine with Blockchain technology replace Google?

in #bitcoin6 years ago


During the past week, Google was reported to be one of the most active supporters of Blockchain technology-based initiatives. Since 2012, Google has invested $ 140 billion in the chain chain totaling $ 1.2 billion. While these investments are being evaluated, the question that comes to mind is why Google has not built Blockchain directly into search activities or has not.

When we evaluate the current data, we see that Google acts as a monopoly on the search market. Google controls about 80 percent of desktop computers and 95 percent of mobile searches. On top of that, an average of 40,000 searches are done via Google. This amounts to 3.5 billion searches a day and 1.2 trillion searches per year. All of these figures show that Google's service effectively serves as a "gateway to the digital world."

In many respects, the fact that this important role is entrusted to a single company is quite alarming. The source of worries is that such responsibility can lead to distressing situations, such as non-transparent work, which is on one entity.

Using a Blockchain technology-based system that is not connected to a central location to store information that central data warehouses can not compete with has inherent security and productivity advantages.

It is now an inevitable reality to have an incomplete centerpiece, not a piece of science fiction or a piece of ridiculous television show. The emerging new block chain initiatives are beginning to create the full potential of a dispersed economy, as they build the different components of this new decentralized ecosystem.

One of the companies we talked about is Presearch, which develops a clear, decentralized search engine that "rewards community members with Presearch Tokens for platform use, contribution and platform promotion."

Unlike Google, Presearch's decentralized search model will use clear and transparent ranking factors and will allow content creators to reach the playing field. Thus, users will be able to decide which data to use. The service will enable the community (users) to have the opportunity to participate in development opportunities and participate in financing. It seems that a project with this scale will significantly disrupt the search market.

Blockchain technology to create decentralized systems is preparing to leverage the power of other organizations.
Abbreviated as the interplanetary file system, IPFS is a system of considerable interest by the financial technology community. In a recent Wired article, the purpose of IPFS is to store copies of pages that web browsers visit, and then use it as web servers in two ways. With such a system, if the original server is lost, users who visit the page may continue to share it with the whole world. The Wired article contains the following statements about the subject.

"In this model, publishers become more durable and readers support the content they care about. Ultimately, a community of IPFS teams and other groups hopes to be able to create interactive applications across Facebook lines that do not require the work of any central server. "

It will be interesting to see which projects will spread quickly as more consumers and businesses enter decentralized economies. As a result, search engines around the world are investing considerable capital in bringing massive pioneering technologies such as block chains.

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