U.S. National Debt currently stands at an eye watering $21,319,462,275,581 & I expect to see it grow +$2.2 trillion / year over the next decade.

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

An Eye watering $21,319,462,275,581..!!



+$2.2 trillion / year over the next decade

The U.S. National Debt currently stands at an eye watering $21,319,462,275,581.

Despite all the garbage and vomiting diarrhoea that continues to be spurted out by so called Economists and Experts, I expect that this spiralling Debt Mountain to grow +$2.2 trillion / year over the next decade.

Unfunded Futures Liabilities

To top it all, there is an unprecedented $750 trillion of current Global Unfunded Futures Liabilities that is also growing at a record pace and has absolutely no way of being funded.

With all this UNFUNDED Debt that will NEVER be paid off, I am sticking firmly to my Target Price for #Bitcoin at a MINIMUM of +$1,000,000.

Thanks for reading.



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U.S. National Debt currently stands at an eye watering $21,319,462,275,581 & I expect to see it grow +$2.2 trillion / year over the next decade. #steemtalent #JoinSteemit #Steemit @Steemit

#Debt #CRISIS #Pension #Derivatives #Financial #Crash #Bitcoin



I’ve seen this site before and it makes me sick every time I see it again. I just can’t even fathom that amount of debr

Posted using Partiko iOS

If Usa debt is that figure then my country Nigeria will triple that amount. Very funny

"this UNFUNDED Debt that will NEVER be paid off"

Economists freely admit this. It will NEVER be paid off.

Eventually, the piper will have to be paid, the US economy will crash, the world economy will catch fleas from the US economy (again), and there's no doubt Bitcoin will benefit massively! :0

Great Post 😆

The stupid endless wars and federal reserve ruin it all for any chance of ending it or fixing it. Without the abolishing of them, it’s the same shit over and over again, til it cannibalizes.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The fiat system is based on injustice and it serves only a specific privileged class...

I believe that the cryptos are going to rattle it:)

I quit watching usdebtclock several years ago for 2 reasons: 1. the numbers are often manipulated at the source, like counting those no longer receiving unemployment benefits as employed or not seeking employment. 2. There isn't enough money in existence to pay off the debt and there never will be since they don't print interest; only principal.

The system was designed like a complex version of Parker Bros. Monopoly game and it always ends the same way: Winner takes all.

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