The Bitcoin Bear Market has ended according to Valens Zodiacal Releasing Technique

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

I posted a YouTube video on this subject back in the summer of 2017 stating that I thought a bear market would start Feb 2018 and end on Feb 10, 2019:

However, that doesn't mean that the bulls will be coming back right away. I'm not expecting that for at least several more months at a minimum. The technique that I was using showed that the Sagittarius period with Jupiter under the beams of the Sun and in detriment signified "death" because ZR spirit was releasing to the 8th sign from the lot of fortune (the idle place and place of death). I also wrote about this here, here and here.

The current times are shown below...

Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at 7.04.30 PM.png
Delphic Oracle screen shot

Current transit chart...

Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at 7.04.55 PM.png
Delphic Oracle screen shot

If the patterns of the past repeat, then the next bull run should begin shortly after the next bitcoin halving in summer of 2020 and peak sometime early 2021, but where that price action is exactly nobody knows. It could be that we will see bitcoin trade as low as 1K this year (capitulation) if it does, or it might drag out in the 2 - 5K region before topping out around 7 - 8K by the end of 2019. It's also possible that we could see $20K+ before the end of the year.

I think some things are different this time. The last bull run was largely because of the Ethereum ICO craze. I think it's more likely that cryptocurrencies will be seen as safe haven assets next time around and that several altcoins will fail due to security hacks and bugs in the software as others come under fire due to regulation by the SEC. Bitcoin is still by far the most secure in both regards.

Privacy and fungibility are about to become major issues in the near future as "tainted" addresses make some bitcoin worth less than others. The wildcard that nobody is talking about is how les gilet jaunes will change the crypto landscape. Some are holding "buy bitcoin" signs which could put massive pressure on the banks. If businesses decide to take only crypto for purchases, this could put significant strain on central banks and cause financial crises. This form of protest is the most effective one can do and far less dangerous than showing up in the streets.

The spirit of 1776 has returned to many places in the world (ironically not the USA). Looks like we in the USA took the part of King George this time while the rest of the world takes their crypto exit by ditching the USD sometime in the next decade. Hopefully we will end up with a more voluntary world as a result as threats of violence and coercion label statists a pariah for being morally / ethically challenged.

Disclaimer: Use this information at your own risk. You should not construe this as advice to invest in any cryptocurrency. These views are my own and may or may not turn out to be correct.


Although I don’t partake in astrological correlation I do think that patterns exist and could be looked at for possible future activity. I would like to see bitcoin crash down to 1k, where I could finally buy one or more and not lose my shirt like so many have done previously.
I like the prospect of it being revolutionary in that it’s going to put more pressure on central banks. We are exchanging fiat currency for the future digital. That’s a massive net loss for fiat that I hope continues.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I believe you are correct.
Many other indicators show the same thing.

However, i believe we will have one more fake out, before the real bull market starts.

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