Does bitter melon cure diabetes?

in #bitter6 years ago

Bitter bitter or scientific name: Momordica charantia L., Cucurbitaceae. The fruit contains a bitter glucose called monocdixin. There are also vitamins B1, C, betanin, protein ... Oilseeds and a bitter substance. In addition to the use of food (cooked with meat to make soup), or sliced ​​thin to eat ... bitter melon is also used as a cough medicine to cool, bathing children except for cholera fever. According to ancient books, bitter melon is bitter (suffering), welding, non-toxic, good for the heart, can, waste, taste. Particularly, the action of boosting the metabolism of character, polypeptide-P and vicine in bitter melon helps to inhibit the metabolism and absorption of sugar in the body, prevent diabetes and stabilize blood glucose levels. diabetes mellitus. If you make food, remove seeds to reduce bitterness. Seed is dried with 3g of dried seeds in the form of decoction. Or dried fruit dried whole (dry) to smooth the powdered water. May also grind and add water to drink.


How to do:

Put 1kg of fresh bitter melon in a small grinder blender; then put in a clean cloth bag to get water, boil 15 minutes (water 1). Add 500ml boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes, remove to cool, squeeze water (water 2). Add water to 300ml boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes (water 3). Remove all three boiled water for 15 minutes on the 200ml. Note: bitter melon is only supported and the patient must adhere to prescribed medication to bring the highest effect for his own health.

Source: 1

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