The hand that pulls out in front of the hand that throws

in #black5 years ago

Is there anyone here who can testify about himself, that he has never experienced such an experience?

Who has no home, unused room, basement, or corner of the house, or just a closet where they find lodging, all things that they do not really know what to do with them, where to store them.

Until we all like to postpone or engage in it and enter the same room or storage room where we threw all the things that were not really in use and did not really know what to do with them, to make room for new things or to just sort out the same corners Dark rooms that look like a frustrating storehouse, or just an article we read about minimalism and we decided to adopt this doctrine.

Then you start clearing all those piles, and the sorting stage begins. Sometimes you look at things and think to yourself, What the hell was going on in my mind, or my wife or the occupants of the house, who decided at that moment at the time of purchase to buy a product so unreal, so useless, impractical,

There are some among us who are very excited about the moment when they finally get rid of all the junk, ventilate the house, and out of enthusiasm they throw into the pile of garbage more and more and more, in a moment of release, a description that really characterizes my wife, From the side and only sees piles of money being thrown into the trash, in the flick of a hand, without any moment of thought of what lies behind this act. And as this pile grows bigger and more frustrated, your anger grows stronger and stronger, and then comes the moment when you try to "save" some of the things that are destined to be thrown in the trash to reduce the feeling of throwing your money into the trash can.

After all, this is a double and double frustration, the same bags that flooded the living room floor on the day of purchase, and you only thought about the credit card that was worn to the ground that day, and does not even bother to ask what? Some? And why? They'll sell you anyway, it's an end-of-season operation, a closing shop, and a blah blah blah, and now you stand in the position of bags that are about to be thrown away for you to be here in the first place.

You understand the story of our delusional life, we have completed two months of great freedom with all its derivatives, we have not managed to recover from those two long months that look like an eternity, and after less than a week we have fallen on holidays that cost beyond life in routine, less than two months after we managed to catch our breath End of the line, and start to make order in the expense table falls on us November begins on the Chinese singles day, culminating in the Black Friday that took place this past Friday.

In Israel, as in Israel, this black Friday is not confined to the fourth Friday of November, which was supposed to open the sales season for Christmas approaching, which does not concern us, of course, but do not let it bother you. For us, this is a monthlong fever. From morning to evening, on promotions, discounts, signs, advertisements, such as massive brainwashing that would not shame a re-education camp in North Korea.

Last Friday we reached a crazy situation where the credit card clearing system in Israel collapsed, someone is able to imagine what it means 10000 credit transactions in one minute !!! Luckily it falls on Friday, which is a short working day to begin with, and luckier that we are in the winter, imagine Black Friday that falls on a normal weekday, during the long summer season.

Last year, sales in Israel alone in Black Friday amounted to NIS 19 million.

We seem to have become a purchasing powerhouse on the Internet, and in 2017 we purchased products with the monstrous sum of 14 million dollars !!! In Israel we have over 52 million parcels as if we need Chinese singles, Black Friday, and other days of purchase here or Name.

Now all that is left is to hurry up and rearrange the mess room, to clear shelves, cabinets, before the parcel of packages will flow out of the mail and we will need a new storage place for them, at least until next year in the Black Paradise 2019 and hopefully by that time we will not be blocked by bank accounts, As bankrupts, by the way, for those who do not know, there is no need to be a company or a business in order to reach bankruptcy, even ordinary citizens can do so.


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