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RE: Steem Is LinkedIn, Not Facebook!

in #blockchain5 years ago

Very interesting post, and you just got yourself a new follower

There are definitely a few misconceptions about Steem/Steemit... most of which revolve around the fundamental issue that this place doesn't really have an identity.

Is it an investment? Is it a social content site? Is it a place to build dApps on the Steem blockchain? Is it a place to make money? There's no focus here... the perception of "what this is" is all over the map. Add to that, we have "Dan's vision" and we have "Ned's vision" and then we have hundreds of different "visions" according to various developers and bloggers with a dream. All of it adds up to an incomprehensible soup.

As an analogy, it reminds me of a large beautiful, well-built and sleek boat... put 100 well-meaning idealistic people on it... EXCEPT, some have oars, some have paddles, some have sails, some have outboard motors, some have only their hands... and everyone starts "sailing" the boat, but we have NO idea where we are going, or who's doing what.

In a sense, it is (in my opinion) the "Achilees heel" of decentralization...

Is this LinkedIn? Beats me... I have a cat blog! It probably belongs on Facebook...

But this is still one of the best articles I have read in a long time, so re-steeming, for whatever limited visibility I can offer!


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