Health: Nutritional precautions for cancer

in #blog6 years ago

Nutritional precautions for cancer

If genetic factors and a number of natural environmental factors are difficult to interfere with the prevention, the lifestyle changes and healthy nutritional methods can be cancerous. namely:

Keep weighing at reasonable levels, such as BMI = 18,523. Overweight people, obesity has a higher risk of cancer than the ordinary BMI, they or breast cancer and uterine endothelial cancer.

Diverse and varied dining, this is the most important measure in all cancer prevention treatments.

The emphasis on the food originated in most plants is for protein. Reduce red meat (pork, cows, sheep, dogs, goats), should eat white meat (chicken, duck). Fat reduction in general, especially saturated fat (saturated fat).

Eat a variety of green vegetables and fresh fruit, particularly fresh orange, dark red, dark blue.

Increase the foods with high fiber quantities such as vegetables, bulbs, berries, raw grains.

Maximum limit of alcoholic substances such as alcohol, beer.

Minimizes the salty food, foods that preserve many salts such as pickles, salted tomatoes, bacon... Dietary restrictions include nitrite, nitrate such as hams, sausages, and sausage.

Prioritizing the use of fresh foods, restricting the use of industrial food and long-term food conservation. Adherence to the food preservation conditions. Removes food damage, rancid thiu, moist mold.

Food processing with simple, fast-paced methods of temperature such as steaming, boiled, fast stir. Do not make ripe food directly on fire such as baking, spinning, smoked. Removing foods has been burned in the infamous.

Do not reuse used fried oil.

Non-smoking, including passive.

Periodic health Check to detect cancer at the earliest possible stage. The prognosis and health of patients with cancer is dependent on the stage of the disease when detected and conducted treatment.

Eating a lot of vegetables, berries reduce calories, weight control is a good way to prevent cancer.

Eating a lot of vegetables, berries reduce calories, weight control is a good way to prevent cancer.

Nutrition for cancer patients
Cancer impacts the nutrition and nutrition of the day in patients according to very different levels depending on the type of cancer, metastasis or unmetastasis, invasive in place or region nodes, the basic nutritional status of the patient , treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy), phase treatment, response of tumors with treatment.

Energy needs, needs and ratios of daily nutrients are calculated based on conventional basic metabolism formulas. To keep track and adjust continuously to maintain weight at the most reasonable level.

Diets for cancer patients are almost identical to their normal diets. Feeding adequate powdered sugar and protein, reducing fat and not necessary spices, not eating canned, not eating food processing available as fast food. Eat a variety of foods that contain fiber like vegetables, raw cereal foods like rice, black bread, potatoes... Add more vitamins and minerals with fresh fruit and vegetables. If you do not provide enough energy with the usual food, it is possible to use additional nutritional supplements after the main meals or use in extra parties.

The nutritional and eating changes in the period of positive therapy are aimed at improving nutritional concerns for patients to aid in psychotherapy and relieve the unpleasant effects of therapy. Pay attention to food safety hygiene, avoid bacterial infections as well as the biological factors in food. Need to do:

Choose cold, cold food, avoid hot food in the event of a taste change, smell as well as oral pain, most, throat, esophagus due to treatment or infection.

Do not eat raw food, hard, rough, crispy fried, crispy steaks. Food processing is simple. Should cook soft, chopped, crushed, finely chopped food.

Must split meals, 9-10 meals per day. The extra meals interspersed the main meals of the day so that enough energy needs daily. Doing so has the effect of decreasing the feeling of nausea, vomiting. Breakfast should occupy the highest volume of energy during the day, accounting for about 1/3 total daily energy.

It should be avoided to avoid a strong smell of food. Avoid the acidic food in patients with the mucous mucosa of the gastrointestinal ulcer.

Cooking enough food. should be eaten within 2 hours after processing. Only used food was cooked or was sterilized by ozone (green vegetables, fresh fruits).

Should supplement vitamins and other trace minerals in patients with anorexia and meditations with daily needs doses. Vitamin C and zinc supplements are higher doses in patients with large wounds, or sepsis.

Absolutely not using food additives in food processing. Restrict processed foods such as canned, fast food and foods that can preserve long days like bacon, sausage, sausages. Choosing fresh foods, limiting food through preservation is susceptible to gastrointestinal infection. Protects food safety.


Health is the root of all happiness

thanks you so much

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