Power - Season 3 (Real-Time) Review - Part 1

in #blog6 years ago

Here it is, my Real-Time review for the first half of the third season of Power, I watch an episode and immediately document my thoughts in a bid to capture the most authentic reaction possible. Eventually I'll probably just film these and upload them to dtube but until then the written word will have to do! Power's a show heavily influenced by 50 Cent, that's probably all you need to know if you haven't seen it. This will contain spoilers, you have been warned! Right, let's dive into this thing.

Episode 1 ''Call Me James''

Tommy's working on taking Ghost's spot as the boss and Holly continues to whine about not knowing enough when anytime she's known anything it's been a fucking liability to the whole organisation! Ghost claims that he's out of the game and works on his franchise of clubs and everyone's still against it! Why the fuck would anyone be against it, seriously, what's their motive in wanting him to continue being a gangster? Let the man go legit, even his ex-wife wants him to sell drugs! Speaking of ex-wife, Tasha is still interminable, she's fucking awful.

Ghost and Angie seem to be happier until they immediately start lying to each other again, especially Ghost, at this point just keep her informed bro, what's with all the secrecy!? Angie as a character should be a lot cooler than she is, she's not likeable at all and I'm sick to death of the same scene in her office when she realises something and calls out to someone who just happens to always be walking by in that moment, it used to be Greg now it's this other guy! I'm rooting for Greg, she seriously fucked him over, I hope he brings her down!

Lobos is advised by the government to play dead for the moment and Angie's boss, his employee, continues to work for him. Tasha continues to be awful and for some reason wants to know exactly who killed Sean for the kids sake, really Tasha, if Ghost killed him you're gonna tell them that!? Tommy returns home to find his dog murdered which has been a long time coming, I knew that fucking dog's days were numbered, it was obvious! Oh, and of course they forced a few sex scenes in because otherwise we'd all just stop watching, right?

Episode 2 ''It's Never Over''

Now that Tommy's dog is dead it turns out that Holly was extremely emotionally invested in it to the point where she's going to lose sleep now that it's dead, of course she was! I don't like Holly at all, why would she be so shady about everything? Maybe it's just the type of people they all are but I'd never want a relationship like any on this show, that's a cold and lonely world to live in! She also, immediately after Tommy tells her about having to kill Ghost, jumps at the idea like, yeah, kill him, what's wrong with all these people!?

Tasha displays her first sign of being an adult when she goes over to Angie's house and prepares her for the kids being there, obviously she did it in a completely bitchy way but still, it's progress! A new storyline was initiated with Ghost's club and the British competition across the street, I'm interested to see where that goes. I'm starting to like Andre and Ghost keeping him at arms length is a bit annoying, he's obviously bursting to do some gangster shit and Ghost needs some gangster shit done, he might as well just utlize him.

I tend to be drawn to a certain type of character and Tommy definitely comes closest to fitting the description, it's a great performance and I've become invested in him. Obviously he loves Ghost, that's his brother and this is probably the hardest thing he's ever had to contemplate, I look forward to finding out what happens. My prediction is that he obviously won't kill him and that when he finally decides that he's going to, 50 Cent turns up and everything changes! Basically something's going to stop the hit and force them to be friends again.

Episode 3 ''I Got This on Lock''

Tariq, the little dumb shit, gets caught at school with the pistol he stole from Angela, and Ghost has the fucking balls to get pissy with her! Your little thieving cunt of a child shouldn't have been snooping through her shit, this is on Tariq and Tariq alone, give him a slap, discipline him, end of story! Tasha spends time with Holly educating her on how to launder money and actually starts to prove her value, it's about time, I absolutely loved that Jamaican accent she did as well, I'm definitely starting to like her more, and I'm starting to absolutely despise Holly, what a malignant piece of shit that woman is!

50 Cent makes his first appearance since his death and I'm liking the set up with his cousin, cold hearts must run in his family, well, except for Sean. I look forward to seeing where this storyline goes, his cousin, also a cop by the way, is the only person able to talk down to him and kind of put him in his place, I say kind of because she's not exactly a model citizen, she might possibly be worse if anything! Everyone continues to lie to each other without sufficient motive, Ghost to Angela about everything, and Angela to Ghost about Greg, as soon as she saw him she should have just told Ghost, why not?

Tommy ignores the inevitable, he has a Cartel  hanging over his head waiting for action and he's just playing Assassin's Creed almost oblivious to the danger he's put Holly in, I mean, fuck Holly, but still! Angela had some balls to threaten Greg about protocol when she's done everything but follow it herself, fuck her too! Tasha keeps taking digs at Ghost for leaving her as if it's never been done before and blaming him for any issues with the kids when there's obviously a lack of awareness on all their parts, get over it! Tommy and Ghost finally meet face to face but nothing particularly noteworthy happened.

Episode 4 ''Don't Worry, Baby''

50 Cent's crooked cop cousin organises a robbery and 50 Cent carries it out with three other guys, not gonna lie I get a kick out of robberies like this so I enjoyed it. 50 obviously uses the opportunity to kill the college kid who questioned him, I shake my head whenever anyone has a tone around him, they won't live long after that! I enjoy watching Tommy 'do business' with the Yakuza it's so awkwardly unnrealistic, you think the fucking Yakuza would work with someone like this in real life? I'm surprised any one is, especially without Ghost.

Tommy continues to procrastinate and Holly finally makes a reasonable move where her shady tactics make sense, she goes to the Jamaicans and orders a hit on Ghost's life, unfortunately they had a scene where Tommy mentioned going to them in the past and it not working out so clearly that will be the case here as well. The Yakuza boss's son comes for revenge on Tommy, somehow the word got out before hand, and Ghost comes to the rescue wielding double pistols which was pretty cool but again, I don't believe you, don't lie to me!

Greg manages to track down Ruiz and force feeds him bullshit which is clearly bullshit and Ruiz eats it all up. I like Ruiz but his character arc was clearly fullfilled, he's mopping floors now? He's a snitch now? Holly's pregnant, that's another storyline there I couldn't give a fuck about, the sudden friendship with Tasha is also questionable. Angela and Ghost are having relationship issues, ''I don't know if this is gonna work'', I just don't care at this point, I'm not rooting for them, I'm not rooting against them, I just hope they come to some sort of conclusion.

Episode 5 ''Help Me''

Ghost spends valuable time with Tariq which comes to an abrupt end when four Jamaican hitmen, hired by Holly, stop his vehicle somehow and jump out of their car with AK47s to kill him, however, instead of killing him they just stood there inactive for an annoyingly unnrealistic amount of time, enough time for Ghost's military-esque bodyguards to turn up out of nowhere and save his arse! It could have been an impactful scene but with the way it was executed it just felt really stupid, don't fucking lie to me you cunts!

Tommy's mother comes to visit him and then leaves, her inclusion in the episode served no purpose to the narrative at all! Tommy somehow works out that it was Ghost who saved him from the Yakuza and immediately jumps back on the Ghost train. Holly tells Tommy about her hit on Ghost and he strangles her to death! It would have been sad had there been any reason to be invested in their relationship in the first place, the real love story here is between Tommy and Ghost, now that's love, not this Holly and Angie shit!

50 Cent turns up for a quick scene where he threatens to kill Andre's daughter and Andre crumbles, as soon as she was back in his arms he should have killed him! Ruiz gets mixed signals from the FBI as Greg and Angela sway him back and forth from testifying against Ghost, surely that's some serious misconduct going on there!? Ruiz decides against testifying against Ghost based on Angela's bullshit, he's a lot dumber than I thought he was. The episode ends with Ghost and Tommy united with plans to take Lobos out, ''together''.

If you took the time to read all of that I very much appreciate it and I also offer my deepest apologies! Are you a fan of Power, have you seen it? What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments and I'll see you for Part 2 where I'll Real-Time review the second half of the season, more bile to come!


very detailed and organised post :D I love your content, got yourself a follow

Much appreciated!

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