The four horsemen of the steem-pocalypse....Natures fractals???

in #blog5 years ago

HOW do you decide when it's 'time to cut your losses?'

Or do you hang on for dear life - flying in the face of any empirical facts, sitting right before your eyes? Choosing to rely on your 'feelings' and weigh your 'emotional investment' against evidence?

This one is a favorite of the postmodernist - to delude themselves into alternative reality - to feel uber intelligent.....even as the circling of the drain is upon them - they never let facts get in the way of fiction.

Whipping up enthusiasm?...........................or flogging a dead horse?

Change is seen as risky by many, but I've dramatically increased my value of steem ($ value), since I powered down and put it into my Litecoin wallet, for example.
The money value is tiny, but it is 4X the $ value, than if I'd left it to sit here.

If that was $25k of steem -, it would now be $100K

Is chronic fear, the reason people will not change their position, in the face of facts?
Does ego come into play? Does the fear of appearing wrong in their initial investment decision, affect their ability to change position?
(or even the ego crushing fear of looking stupid - for changing their minds?...mmmm)

Does the mindset of the risk averse keep them hodling, even when reality screams out to them 'do something else'?

I dunno.
I adapt and move.
Story of my life.
I'm not risk averse.

I believe there are natural patterns in the universe, ones that are not fully understood as yet, and these pervade everything. (Tesla might have had some insight into this, I think)

They are the Fractals of life itself, if you will.

The same things occurring, the same dynamics -just different scales - of size, or time, or appearance.
Think Fibonacci repetitive patterns, and you can see what I mean...
But imagine if these patterns are in everything- and not just limited to Fibonnaci sequences but multiple variations of different sequences...

'Synchronicity' is one of these natural patterns that is not yet understood. ( not by me, anyway).
I don't understand it, but I do listen to it.
When you 'listen to the universe', making some choices because of listening (to the synchronicity), and then it literally goes on to save your life ...(I might tell you the story of that, some other time)
You start to take it seriously when that happens - And you listen good.
Well I do, anyways.

chair2 - Copy (2).jpg

^^The above says Steem at ranking #80 in coinmarketcap - as I type - and $0.28 cents.^^

do hodlers (exyle @tarazkp as two proponents that defy reality and comprehension- in my estimation)....see anything wrong with this stat?
Jesus, seriously?

Knowing where you where you are in any given cycle requires mental clarity, and a lack of fear.
Fear only helps to keep you paralyzed in the oncoming headlights of certain change.

It makes you hodl when reality screams to you - 'get out of the fuckin' way, or you're gonna get run over'...

The Steem 'project' saddens me - even now - as I power down... amount of learning can cure stupidity, and marxist higher education positively fortifies it.

Obstinacy in opinion are the surest proofs of stupidity.

Bernard Barton

Adapt and move. Do what you preach....please...

.....I'm trying to help


There is a point at which... when people have so much invested they can not consider the idea that maybe things aren't going well.


If they admit that we have serious problems they would also have to admit they might be contributing to them.

I laughed when reading this.

I have always appreciated your brutal yet accurate assessments. When reading the cheerleader posts from the usual suspects I am torn as to whether they are secretly connected with Steemit or some of the whales, or if they have accumulated lots of Steem from pouring their hearts out here for years and fear grips them at the possibility of it all folding. The second group my heart goes out to, as I know all to well the experience of dedicating myself to endeavors that failed. I can only imagine if one foresees a retirement from such endeavors to an actual rich life and anyone hints at signs it isn't happening.

I went through that period myself. I love steem, to change that I had to go through a phase...

Once I accepted the fact my investment might have only been towards my crypto education. I was able to get back in the ring.

People resist getting bad news about something they have poured their heart and soul into.

I would toss a going away vote to you, but I am one of those that will be sticking around. Unlike a lot of people the only real thing I ahve invested in steem block chain is time, and I ahve plenty of that. I did manage to invest a little bit of Fiat Money via buying some steem monster cards when they were gifting free steem with each purchase so I guess about $100 total in the cost of monster cards. so that much into steem since that was pretty much the only reason for the purchase of the cards.

I think I will miss some of your humor and acerbic style when you are gone, but like always I will find some form of entertainment. The back and forth's between you and whatsup were fun to watch.

I know for you it is about the funds, the change and the portfolio growth, (an investors viewpoint), and there is nothing wrong with that. Your account even with only 15 steem powered up will still be able to use the block chain for content production, and keeping a toe in the water, but there are also like block chain coins, lots of places for social accounts.

I wish you luck in your endeavours, I would say have fun, but it is obvious from some of your work I have read that you already know how to do that and do it well.

Financially Steem is a dead horse now. And "HODLERS" always were part of the scam - a bunch of shill accounts who never had any real investment anyway.

But some interesting content still slips through the wall of shit that is posted on Steemit: amount of learning can cure stupidity, and marxist higher education positively fortifies it.

steemit quote of the day

Too late for optimism

Great post...

There is hope for humanity with guys like you...


The facts everyone, he's talking about facts. Lmao. Not feelings, but facts, lol, no feelings here.

I'm still somewhat hopeful about the long-term. Yeah, it'd be better to move my holdings into other crypto and buy back later, but I don't spend enough time watching the markets to bother.
Despite being a social media platform and one of the few blockchain projects with a solid non-tech userbase, and earnings per post in Steem terms being stable, the posting side of things isn't bringing in significant new investment or stemming the outflow of value. I think that's because of a perception of paid to blog rather is greater than a sense of paying to read/support great content creators.
For my own part, my voting bots are going to start prioritizing posts that have 100% SP rewards instead of the 50/50 split (are 100% powered up) and other measures that show the account is sticking around.

You may want to or need to rethink your 100% stance for your bots.Some liquid steem and some liquid SBD's are needed in all accounts.

Example myself:

  1. I do not make a lot on a weekly basis with my posting and voting, I am trying to invest in myself via upvoteshares, they cost steem. So I keep some steem handy for it, although the price is reaching a point where I will unlikely be able to afford it.
  2. I try to support a counter flag group with at least 1 steem a week, sometimes 2.
  3. I have become a member of a couple different Scot-Tribes, and to show support I do like to buy some of their different tokens on occasion.
  4. SBI shares are another self investment and provide a method to invest in projects for small time accounts such as mine.
  5. SBI used to be used for something but currently I try to keep a buffer of 5 SBD, for just in case things, but with the conversion of a 3 to 1 steem vs SBD I sort of lowered that to 2 SBD.

So you see there are reasons for accounts that do not plan on going anywhere to have small amounts of liquid steem and SBD's sitting in their accounts. Granted I am not talking about 100s of steem or sbd, but still I am Less than 100% powered up.
You may have a very hard time finding very many accounts that truly are powered up 100%.

I should've been clearer. I am changing my voting bot's selection policy to favour posts where the rewards are 100% SP rather than 50/50.
I agree that accounts need some liquid balance. I'm one of the largest holders of SBI units and sponsor a few things that mean I require so liquid balance myself. My clerk bot tries to maintain balances in my main accounts so it always has some liquid balance. So, that's why I was applying the prioritisation to post rewards only. Anyway, that prioritisation system is a bit stochastic so some posts at 50/50 rewards will still get upvotes.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I've send you a MAPX token. Leave it staked for free daily upvotes. It should grow in value over time as curation rewards come in.

Thank you for the token, one more to add to a growing list of tokens. In a couple of years I should have quite the collection.

Gotta collect them all.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oooooppppsssss....!!! I just up-voted you and @whatsup then noticed the posts are four days old...!?!?!?

Is that good or bad?

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