At a total market cap of 1.5 Trillion

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Litecoin is at the second spot valued at 250.

Bitcoin {BTC} will be the number 1 at 40'000.

Steem in top 10

Dogecoin will be at 2 cents and Vertcoin at 5 Euro, same value as Steem. While Monero will have gotten to 500. That would make DOGE still fast and cheap, for the account free POW cryptos. And Bitshares at 50 cents will be way up there again, close to DPOS family member Steem. With EOS doing great valued at 40. Steem will have its own sub market, where some Tokens even trade at some amazing high prices. LIT, the Lightning Network that supports cryptos like BTC, LTC and VTC, is growing fast. It is like the 'cash' of Cryptos. And we are just at 1.5 Trillion market capacity. Imagine what happens if it got to 20 Trillion? Impossible? Or improbable? Or is it really possible any time soon?

A shift between the free and open sourced Cryptos and the business controlled ones will happen at some point, I think. Public ledgers versus private ones, open source versus closed. That is where it might go. Going for the alternative(s) or supporting the old system. The one where private banks create (digital virtual monopoly fake) money against every interest baring debt, versus the debt and interest free and open sourced Cryptos. No more 'invisible hand above the market' nonsense, because the hand got visible, it is the counterfeiting private banks. Going for decentralized liberty or get under close to a fascist kind of centralized corporate control. It is a kind of a big thing.

Dream big!

Imagine what it would need in market capacity for the Cryptos to get Bitcoin, the real one and only BTC, to get to a value 500'000. It would have the market cap to get close to 20 Trillion Euro. Of course it could get there sooner because the value that moves out off others. Mostly the ones that are considered corporate controlled. At that point it will be important to have an infrastructure that can handle this all with ease. POW based Cryptos will have its mainchain moving the big numbers, creating massive transaction payments for full nodes. While on the side of LIT and LN {Lightning Network} fast and cheap, some even free, payments are taking care of real life usage. Yes, coffee can be payed for within a split second. Just like it can be done with Steem. The right payment price will be calculated by the hard- and software. All you need to know is how much you have to pay in the kind of Crypto you prefer to use. It can even be a Token on a submarket. The software backed by decentralized exchanges take care of that.

And Dogecoin will join LIT, so it goes at lightning speed too. At some point it will all seem to go without even noticing what really takes place. People will have a free system where they also can buy and sell directly, using Cryptos as the new 'Cash'. Imagine that this would become the alternative what more and more fellow human beings just will want to use. At some moment in space-time there will be a turning point in history. The intermediate gone, money now Cryptos, in the hands and under control of the people. This will also start to resonate into our society. It will become very important for instance to find an as cheap as possible source of energy. Because in cutting the costs of electricity there is a profit for Cryptos like Bitcoin {BTC}.

Close to 'free' Energy

Fossil fuels and nuclear energy (uranium based) will become superfluous. When it will cost one barrel of oil to fill one barrel of oil, that one is out. Or when it means pumping toxic chemicals into the soil, no matter how deep, to get oil or natural gas up, it will be a no go area. Thorium based nuclear energy might be considered, but it will not deliver the stuff that nuclear bombs are made of. Never understood that choice, well except that uranium based plants can 'help' create nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Dangers of a melt down, even that can be avoided with Thorium based nuclear plants. Also is uranium quite scarce, and Thorium is around plenty. While the radio-active halving time of Thorium nuclear waste is extremely shorter compared to its uranium counterpart. But again, what must we do then to make nuclear weapons? So far we can only destroy the earth about 700 times. Come on, we can get to a 1000, if we all chip in! Seems like we do not even need a climate disaster. But yeah, Thorium could make a change for the good. Imagine Bitcoin being mined using your own little Thorium nuclear plant.

Yet, the best chance I think does come from a so called 'green' source. Why go through all those efforts to dig for oil, gas, coal or have uranium nuclear plants when they endanger our life on this beautiful planet. What is money or any so believed property even worth if life cannot be supported on earth anymore? Why not use the energy that is taking far less effort to use? Now I do not mean taking energy out of the vacuum through the fourth dimension and move it into the third. Not stating it cannot be done, but the laws of physics tell me that even in a vacuum the energy balance will have to be restored, somehow. So what I mean by close to 'free' energy is using (sun)light, wind (movement), pressure (differences), temperature (differences) and water (movement). And actually 'storing' all this energy in water, instead of batteries. Oh, now I really moved of the track right? Somebody hand me some tinfoil, I really have to make myself a nice hat! But hey, bear with me, then hand me the tinfoil...

Hydrogen, the super green fuel

Yeah, and you were thinking while reading up to here that I would pull the other one on you. Imagine that, storing energy in water, hah! Well, in a way it actually is. For this proces one would use electrolysis to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gasses. All that would be needed to be done is to catch those two and store them safely under high pressure. And when there is electric energy needed the highly energetic and reactive Hydrogen {H} can be burned again, using the stored Oxygen {O} that will even give a great blast! You know what comes out at the exhaust next? Water {H2O}...! Yes, I know, the energy needed for the electrolysis proces has to come from somewhere. So, hah, you got me there, I am such a 'green energy' idiot believer, duh, okay, hand me the tinfoil. No, wait, bear with me. Because I do not know if you heard about the surplus coming from wind and solar energy. The electricity net can not deal with the peaks. So, energy lost? Store it in batteries? But those are environment unfriendly and quite expensive to produce.

Okay, batteries might evolve too, become totally 'green'. But for now, how can we store a huge surplus of available green energy. And where there is a lot more where that came from. Well, I do not know about you, but I am a kind of sun and earth worshiper. The solution has been around for a long long time, it lies in water, or to be more precise in the atomic structure of it. But we almost do not have water on our pla... Ah forget it, even we human beings mostly consist of water. And the beautiful self sustaining planet we are guests on is mostly water too. Just like our air can be quite moist, even in a desert. There's wind and there's is the sun that sends us all kinds of energy. Now, how can we harvest that and store it for later use? Well, water is a key element. All the surplus of energy coming from 'green' sources can be used to create Hydrogen and Oxygen gas from water! How awesome is that!? Imagine mining Bitcoin, or having a full Steem node running practically for free. The heat coming from a BTC miner can even be used to transform it into a different kind of energy! And all of this while keeping our climate stable and keeping the environment clean. Awesome, or what? The key is circulation.

Now there's a plot twist

Did you know that you can also cook your diner using Hydrogen gas? No need to transform it into electricity first. It is even safer than natural gas, when you forgot to turn off the stove for instance. Because it is the lightest element it will not sink below the air in the kitchen, like natural gas would do, but escape into space. But enough of that already. It is a kind a strange that it actually never caught on as a real alternative. Okay, there is of course more to it. Fossil fuels and (uranium based) nuclear energy are also big business. They still are and some believe economy is preferred over living a healthy and sustainable life on earth. Maybe one day we learn how to breathe CO2, who knows. Or it could be that SMOG turns out to be the healthiest thing we ever had in our air. Yes, I am acting cynical there, because by now we already know better. And where I live mining for natural gas has caused our soil to drop and create earthquakes. While there are still plans to use fracking, that will create small cracks in the soil under our feet. And pump chemicals in, to get some more fossil fuels up. You know, the ones that create CO2 when burned?

While on the other hand we need to pay more different and higher energy taxes to stop the apparent climate change!? Yes, it does make no sense, except of course: profit. But I never experienced that I was able to breathe CO2, nor found it fun to experience the effect of SMOG on my lungs. In other words, we do not have to expect the change coming from 'the system' itself. But just like the alternative came about with the Free and Open Source movement there might be a possible change coming from a Hydrogen energy movement. These alternatives could all get connected. With Cryptos involved. Imagine a Bitcoin miner almost costing next to nothing in energy use. Even using the heat it produces again. Or have cars run on Hydrogen, that you make at home using solar cells, or Vortex wind energy. Guess what people will go for, if not only for the price already, the feel good effect of renewable energy will surely add to a shift from fossil to green. And because of the involvement of Free and Open Source soft- and hardware project, using Cryptos as value storage and cash this will pump the market cap.


Phew, almost made it back to the title, well, in a sense, kind of. My point maybe being that it is very well possible to go for putting energy into kicking against 'the system'. Yet, that might be well wasted energy. Because it is a make-belief thing, although one that has given itself the right to use the might of the sword to rule. One thing it is unable to stop though and that is voluntary and peaceful movement that can be perceived as 'the alternative'. And there is always a tipping point where the many will start to support any alternative. Even if it is sometimes just because a good and or service is almost to be gotten for free. And when there is a feel good experience attached, then the many will be over to join in quite fast. It is the natural pressure that is put in from the outside that will create a change on the inside. The Open Source community already has proven that this works. Think LINUX, you be using it without even being aware of it. Cryptos did cause a shift and that will move forward and put a pressure on the old system, so it has to change. And the same will go for the use of Hydrogen gas, as a 'green' renewable energy source.

Something could be said for living a sustainable life on a clean and healthy planet earth, instead of just propagating weird things like 'we need economical growth'. Especially when one understands why that rubbish suggestion came about. In fact we are born free and can also live like that. The earth and the sun give us all there is absolutely for free. And it might be hard to imagine that we could go to a reality where we look back and laugh at the idea of 'debt slavery jobs'. But that might still take quite a while before we can let go of our fear of losing control. And in the meantime we can find, support, use and or create the alternatives. Maybe even up to a point where we all can agree on a universal basic income for all of humanity. With peace on earth and all being well.

In the meantime we might give Hydrogen, as a renewable source of energy, a chance. And use free and open source soft- and hardware as much as possible. While we enjoy the Crypto currencies market becoming worth trillions.

Have a great one!

Hydrogen, the future of renewable energy?
CC0 licensed, courtesy of Javier Rodriguez

This article is published on the Steem and Whaleshares blockchain.


I like your optimism. I think steem alone can be worth 1 trillion. Dare to dream as they say.

Posted using Partiko Android

3333 per Steem, that would be a awesome! Reality starts in a dream, so...
Keep the dream alive!

Oh that's a lot. I would be quite rich if I didn't power down, but at the same time I would have given away hundreds and thousands of dollars on upvotes or steem for some of the strangest things.

Posted using Partiko Android

It would be amazing, many Steem milionairs & bilionairs!

When it will cost one barrel of oil to fill one barrel of oil, that one is out.

Almost nobody is talking about this, this is called the EROEI, kinda ROI but with energy :P

Was ~300:1 in the year 1900, ~30:1 in the year 1970 and ~5:1 atm.
Just to bad mankind needs a minimum of 12:1. so we kinda have a problem here...

Almost nobody is talking about this, this is called the EROEI, kinda ROI but with energy :P

Hahaha, you got it! ;-)

so we kinda have a problem here...

The challenge is to look for solutions that might free us from using energy sources like fossil fuels completely. When I look at the potential of Hydrogen, as an unlimited renewable source of energy, than I think we might have a winner. It will not be overnight though, but there are projects starting, also in the region where I live.

It will be a slow transition, where other energy sources can slowly take over. Also there will be innovations on current energy using hardware to make them more energy efficient. Well, at least that is what I think. Human kind is good at messing things up, yet we also are very talented in finding long term solutions. :-)

If they pass the bill in US congress concerning not taxing the actual Cryptos that are currencies; BTC, LTC, DGB, etc... I do not see 20 Trillion in market cap out of the question. With all of the awareness coming in faster and faster, it may come sooner than later (with hyperinflation, it may just be around the corner).

We might be in for a crazy ride.

I want my electric bicycle run on hydrogen and a fuel cell instead of the batterie that is exhausted after 35 kilometres instead of the promised 150 kilometers on one charge.These batteries are in fact turned into toxic wast after 2 years of moderate usage.

Electric cars: the same problem: those 100's of kilo's of batteries that have to be driven around are a very inefficient way to produce driving energie for the car. I bet that present day electric vehicals running on rechargable batteries are much worse for the environment than cars that turn fossil fuel straight into movement.

Only sensible solution: Hydrogen and fuel cell to make the electricity right wher it is needed: in the car itself!

Only sensible solution: Hydrogen and fuel cell to make the electricity right wher it is needed: in the car itself!

To me that is one of the developements that indeed make a lot of sense. And I would find it awesome if I live long enough to be able to witness the day that would become a reality, for it to be used by the many.

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