My Trying To Optimize My Learning Process

in #blog6 years ago

Hello my friends. Because of the rason that I am studying programming and everyday I am trying to learn and remember many new things and to try more I decided to give a try to a sticky notes like on the following image


Tha main idea is when I am standing right and far away from the chair which is happening from time to time to can read my notes with some important information.


This way I can study in both ways. When I am on chair and read new things or practice something and when I am standing right and make revision from the sticky notes.


This is new way to study and I experiment yet with this but I think it gives me a good result so far. And because of this I wanted to share this experience with you, my friends. (Sorry in advance If I have some typos. I write this from the phone..)


Hope this to be useful for you. Thank you for stopping by.



Hey brotha that petitzob guy downvoted some of my posts too for no apparent reason which is very infuriating since he won't ever answer you back when you ask him why but hopefully soon they will start deleting these fake accounts that are only bots going around downvoting people's posts

I understand. Thank you for telling me this. I am wondering what and why this happened. Thank you very much.

They are creating bot accounts that go and downvote people's posts for no reason either the programming is off or they are doing it on purpose but just watch because there are way more than just that account that are doing it I've had at least 5 or 6 different accounts that have downvoted my posts

Hope you become a powerful programmer

Thank you very much :) I hope this too some day :)

I believe in you! And I know for sure that you will be the best programmer!

Thank you very much. I really appreciate your support :)

Когато си води някакви бележки човек, сякаш по-лесно запомня нещата. Особено когато трябва да се пресява важното от маловажното. Успех!

Да така си е :) И особено когато са супер много нещата за запомняне. Благодаря ти :)

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